ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday, January 28, 2007
Vol. 41 - No 35

Broad vision for Forum CSA

Forum CSA, formed on December 13, 2006, comprises the alumni of the Colombo School of Architecture (CSA) that was founded in 1957. The energetic chartered architects who are the next generation of architects to front this profession will through this forum act as one voice to uplift the work of the CSA.

At a Special General Meeting held on January 23, President of the CSA Forum Nela de Zoysa informed the gathering about the preparatory work that led to the evolution of the unit, as proposed by the former Dean, Department of Architecture, University of Moratuwa, Lal Balasuriya.

The objectives of Forum CSA as mentioned in their constitution are - to act as a forum for the members; to widen the interest and association of the members in the field of architecture and allied fields; to enhance the social interaction and welfare of the members; to assist CSA to achieve higher educational recognition and affiliation to recognised allied colleges, institutions and universities; to raise funds for education at CSA and for Forum CSA and to raise funds for charitable organisations and events.

Keeping the above objectives in mind, Forum CSA hopes to organise a series of lectures to expose their students to recognised international architects and their work. To provide equipment and books for their library will be an ongoing task.

The current Executive Committee include Vice President, Archt. Kithsiri Almeida, Honorary Secretary Archt. Neshani Mahesan and Honorary Treasurer Archt. Mohan Neligama.


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