Rare cyber cases in Lankan court
By Bandula Sirimanna
Three rare cyber-related cases have been filed by police on behalf of a Sri Lankan executive and his wife claiming they were harassed by another party through the Internet, SMS and introducing a computer virus.
Police filed cases on complaints made by Managing Director of Horizon Relocations Pvt Ltd Clement de Silva and his wife Ramanie Marcellus de Silva, a director of the company, at two Magistrate’s Courts in Colombo for harassment caused to them via SMS and Internet against Directors of Trans World Movers (Pvt) Ltd.
Both companies are engaged in the ‘movers’ business. The SMS harassment case is coming up on October 4.
Ramanie Marcellus de Silva has complained that she has been getting calls and SMS with obscene messages on her mobile phone. Her counsel told The Sunday Times FT that this case was filed under the Telecommunications Act Section 58 and 59 for using obscene transmissions for the purpose of defaming the character of his client affecting her business. This is a criminal offence. In the other case of harassment via Internet the complainants allege that some unknown persons had furnished particulars about Ramani by giving false information. The case was investigated by the Modera Police and they are seeking a directive from court to the Director of the IT unit of Police Headquarters to submit a report providing details of persons who had given information to publish the false advertisement.
The couple also complained – followed by a police case in courts - of their computer being attacked by a ‘virus’. Police have cited Suresh Marcellus and Rohitha de Silva as respondents.
Experts say the Computer Crimes Act gives more power to law enforcement agencies to fight computer crimes but is still in the implementation stage. Any unauthorised copying, modification, alteration or deletion of information, denial of service and causing damage or harm to the computer by the introduction of viruses and logic bombs are considered offences in the Act. |