Snow sledges to Norway courtesy Sri Lanka
Hatem Rajabdeen at the signing of the MoU |
The best salesman is one who is able to sell a refrigerator to an Eskimo!
Like wise, a Sri Lankan company has clinched a deal with a Norwegian company to sell snow sledges!
Fibreplast Pvt Ltd, a subsidiary of one of Sri Lanka’s leading manufacturers of fibreglass products - Modern Fibreglass Industries Pvt Ltd, recently signed a MoU with Norway’s Vedlikeholds Teknikk AS to manufacture and export fibreglass snow sledges. The agreement was signed by Hatem Rajabdeen Vice President/CEO of Fibreplast and Steiner Moe, Managing Director of Vedlike Teknikk AS recently during Rajabdeen’s visit to Norway last week as part of a Ceylon Chamber delegation.
The agreement was facilitated under the Sri Lanka-Norway Industrial Cooperation (Matchmaking) programme which is part of NORAD and Ceylon Chamber of Commerce. Fibreplast was set up in 2005 as a full fledged fibreglass outsourcing centre handling outsourced manufacturing projects for exports.
The company is currently exporting fibreglass ice boxes to Australia. The company will initially export snow sledges to Norway and would then look at exporting 11 to 19-foot boats and other fibreglass products through Vedlikeholds in Norway, the Sri Lankan company said. |