Vandalising of ancient vihara
By W. Chandrapala from Ampara
It is reported that historic Buddhist shrines which have an archaeological value are being vandalised by treasure hunters and miners with the authorities being silent to the goings on due to sheer apathy.
This is said to be occurring all over the island and the Eastern Province is no exception.
Aerial view of the ancient vihara under threat |
Viharadhipathi of the area indicates the damage |
An ancient vihara in Damana, Ampara which has a history going back to the days of King Saddhatissa is reportedly being vandalized. Its caves where monks and hermits used to meditate are not being spared.
Rock mining goes on here and some rocks with historic significance are being mined by illegal miners apparently with political patronage. A chaithiya has been completely destroyed due to mining. It is alleged that some Archaeological Department officials are in the pay of these illicit mining businessmen.
Rocks with graffiti have been reportedly destroyed but it seems the miners have been issued licences in 2000 by archaeological authorities to engage in such destructive acts.The viharadhipathi of this ancient and historic place said he was taking action to put an end to the senseless destruction and he expressed surprise that such vandalism goes on unabated with reported state patronage.