ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday October 14, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 20

His foremost concern was his chosen career

~ LT. COL. W.A.S.P. Wijetunge RSP

One year has elapsed since the passing away of Lt. Col. W.A.S.P. Wijetunge of the 6th Gemunu Watch of the Sri Lanka Army, Regular Force, on October 6, 2006, in action against the LTTE at Panichchankani, Valachchenai, Batticaloa District, plunging everyone near and dear to him into a whirlpool of grief and a sense of irreparable loss.

He was my son-in-law, an exceptional and exemplary one. On the last occasion when he bid farewell to me, preparing to leave for base after a holiday at home, just two days before the fateful day, I recall with much feeling, how he expressed certain sentiments, in a subtle manner. On pondering on it now, I feel that he had a premonition of an impending tragedy. He was always genial, with a keen sense of humour, exuding an aura of camaraderie, in whatever circle he was in. To his parents he was a beloved and reverential son, to his brothers a tower of strength, to his wife an adored husband, to his little daughter, Ridmi and tender son Sachira, a devoted doting father, to his friends a dependable merry soul and to all who knew and associated with him a warm hearted human being.

Yet, his foremost concern was his chosen career in the army which he fulfilled with an ardent sense of dedication and devotion. Even as a youngster in his college days, he seemed to have made up his mind about this future career, and in due time he applied to join the Army as a Cadet Officer. When the call came for enlistment, he was already well employed, elsewhere. He relinquished it to realize what his heart was bent upon. His father too was an Army Commissioned Officer. Yet, his parents were on the horns of a dilemma, but after much deliberation they decided to bless his decision.

He enlisted in the Sri Lanka Army in 1991, significantly at a time when the LTTE threats were at their height. Of the 16 years of his service in the Army, for the most part, he served in turbulent areas, and was wounded too, in action. He was not daunted and voluntarily went again and again to areas of strife.

He participated in operations such as "Jayasikuru" in Jaffna and "Ranagosa I and II" in Vavuniya. He earned decorations such as the "Ranasura Medal", "Deshaputra Medal", "Purnabhumi Medal", "North East Operation Medal", "Swarna Jayanthi Medal" and "Sri Lanka Army 50th Anniversary Medal" and last but not least the "Riviresa Medal" to honour his participation in "Riviresa" operation.

He started his Army career at a crucial and perilous hour and ended it paving the way for our remarkable triumph at Thoppigala. He has made his contribution to the cause of a united Sri Lanka. Had one looked into the innermost recesses of his heart, he would have seen embedded therein Shakespeare's words:

I do love
My country's good with respect more tender
More holy and profound than my own life

(Shakespeare - Coriolanus III iii 117)

May his journey through Sansara be short until he attains Nibbana!

By R.A.C. Rajapakse

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