ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday November 4, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 23
Columns - 5th Column  

They are a different herd-White Elephants and not Green!

By Rypvanwinkle

"Thaaththa," Bindu Udagedera asked, "what is all this fuss about an elephant?"
"Why," Bindu's father Percy Udagedera asked, "who is fussing about an elephant?"
"Why, thaaththa," Bindu said, "Mahinda maama wants to send an elephant named 'Asokamala' to Armenia and environmentalists have gone to courts against it saying Armenia is not a suitable country to send an elephant to..."
"So, what have the courts said?" Percy wanted to know.
They have stopped the elephant being sent there, at least for the time being..." Bindu said.
"Well," Percy said, "I can think of quite a few elephants Mahinda maama should get rid of, quite apart from Asokamala..."
"Who are they, thaaththa?" Bindu asked.
"Well, most of them, actually..." Percy suggested.
"Why do you say that?"
"Why, Bandula for instance is only adding to Mahinda maama's misery, increasing prices of everything every day and Mahinda maama would have been better off if he was on the other side..."
"Few people would argue with that," Bindu agreed, "but who else should Mahinda maama get rid of?"
"Why, then there is Millie", Percy said.
"But why should Mahinda maama get rid of him?" Bindu queried, "some people think he is doing a good job for Mahinda maama..."
"But with all these problems about motions of no confidence, I don't think he is worth the price Mahinda maama has to pay,..." Percy declared.
"Is there any other elephant that Mahinda maama should dispose of?" Bindu inquired.
"Why, of course there is Boggles..." Percy proposed.
"And why should Mahinda maama give him the sack?" Bindu asked, "I thought he was doing a decent job defending the country in foreign lands?"
"He is also doing an indecent job with the expenses he generates, because his family seems to join him wherever he goes..." Percy pointed out.
"So, you think he is another elephant who should be sacked?" Bindu asked.
"Yes," Percy said, "that would be better than cancelling most of the decisions taken by Boggles, as Mahinda maama had to do last week..."
"But surely that would be the last elephant to discard?" Bindu wondered.
"I don't think so," Percy disagreed, "I think Mahinda maama should get rid of the dentist as well..."
"Why should he do that?" Bindu was puzzled, "he defends anything and everything that Mahinda maama does..."
"And that is precisely the problem," Percy said, "because in doing that, he makes a complete mess of things and gets Mahinda maama into more trouble..."
"Then," Bindu asked, "are there any other elephants who should be shown the door?"
"Well some of the lesser experienced ones such as the Nilame's son and the Mahaveli Man's son who periodically keep saying things which embarrass Mahinda maama should go too" Percy said, "because life without them would be easier..."
"But thaaththa," Bindu pointed out, "getting rid of all these elephants would also lead to a serious problem for Mahinda maama..."
"Why is that?" Percy asked.
"With all these elephants gone, who would be left to do Mahinda maama's work?" Bindu asked.
"Don't worry Bindu," Percy said, " I don't think Mahinda maama should really worry about that..."
"Why do you say that, thaaththa?"
"Well," Percy explained, "as long as Mahinda maama does not get rid of Ranil as his main rival elephant, I don't think he needs to worry too much..."
"I'm not so sure about that, thaaththa..." Bindu disagreed.
"Why do you say that?" Percy wanted to know.
"I think, sending all these elephants to Mahinda maama was all a grand plan by Uncle Ranil to destroy Mahinda maama..." Bindu suggested.
"I am not certain about that," Percy said, "but they certainly seem to be doing just that..."

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