ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday December 16, 2007
Vol. 42 - No 29

60 years on, the search for statesmen still on

As we approach our 60th year of Independence, the nation can only pray for a statesman who can deliver justice and with it, peace. To illustrate the difference between a statesman and a politician the following is quoted:

Statesmen look for breakthroughs while politicians thrive on breakdowns.
Statesmen generate co-operation, confidence and creativity. Politicians generate confusion, conflicts and controversies.
Statesmen strategise, politicians dramatize.
Statesmen lead, politicians mislead.
Statesmen improve the lives of others, politicians only improve their own.
Statesmen direct and strengthen their character, politicians misdirect and corrupt their followers.
Statesmen dream, politicians scheme.

Is our beloved nation fortunate enough to see the emergence of a statesman, to show for 60 years of Independence?

By A.N. Fernando, Colombo 8

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