ISSN: 1391 - 0531
Sunday January 20, 2008
Vol. 42 - No 34
Financial Times  

World Bank energises renewable energy in rural Sri Lanka

The World Bank is granting additional funding of Rs. 4.4 billion to support the ongoing Renewable Energy for Rural Development (RERED) project, signing an agreement with the government for this purpose.

The additional funding will boost the grid-connecting capacity by a further 50 MW and off-grid electricity services will be extended to 60,000 additional households and 500 rural micro- and small-scale enterprises in rural area. World Bank Country Director Naoko Ishii said the bank extends support to the government’s effort to enhance socio-economic development by bringing electricity to rural households and to promote the development of renewable energy sector with private sector participation.

The bank said the primary goal of the initial RERED project was to bring electricity to remote communities and individual households through village-led electricity societies and the provision of solar energy services. Presently, well over 100,000 rural homes are electrified through off-grid renewable energy solutions, mostly through solar home systems, and independent mini grids powered by community based micro hydropower schemes.

The additional financing would be used for the implementation of activities which would scale-up the impact and development effectiveness of the RERED project.


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