Ultimate youth festival
This time around Inter-Evo truly did justice to its name by bringing about Interact-in-evolution. This project, held on 4 days during January, was definitely a youthful experience of a lifetime! Daring to go against the traditional image of Interactions, Inter - Evo was inaugurated with the goal of becoming the ultimate youth festival in the country. Kicking off from January 12-13 at the Peterson grounds, were the basketball, cricket and rugby tournaments with the participation of a large number of Interactors.
The 13th also witnessed The Quest', a one-of-a-kind urban challenge within the city limits of Colombo, which demanded maximum grit, determination and teamwork from all those who dared to participate. The Quest ended at the Berjaya Mount Royal Beach Hotel where Evo-Ablaze, the official Inter-Evo bonfire featuring several breath-taking acoustic performances by several well known artists like Sankha and Azlan, Hollow, 10 Second Rule, Ranga Wimalasuriya, Nemesis, Spartan Whisper, and CC marked the close of an extremely eventful day. Evo-Ablaze was one of the most innovative aspects of Inter-Evo and also managed to go down in history as the first Beach Bon-Fire ft. a Live Acoustic Concert in Sri Lanka.
Next up was the Inter-Evo Big Day Out on the January 19, when the grand finals of all the outdoor sports as well as the women's events were worked out successfully.
The final leg of Inter-Evo 2008 was held at the Excel World on January 27, a day which saw Interactors vying with each other in a wide range of indoor games including pool, bowling, laser runner and pc gaming console gaming. The indoor games held all those present at the venue in just as much of suspense and excitement as the outdoor games did. The overall award presentation ceremony was held later in the evening at the Excel World Snow-Dome with the presence of several Rotarians and other distinguished guests.
Following the official proceedings, Inter-Evo closed up in style with the 'After Party' also held at the dome featuring live DJ entertainment, which gave all the Interactors who participated in Evo an opportunity to celebrate and truly enjoy themselves, what had been the biggest celebration of youth culture in Sri Lanka. The After Party drew the final curtain on a magnanimous and amazing youth festival and it also marked the rise of a great image to which all future Interactions will have to strive in order to live up to! |