V-day aftermath
By Godaya
It's the reason why birth rates in February spike, roses cost an arm and a leg, men go bankrupt, chocolate shops are broken into, and the reason suicide rates reach the sky. And now it's over, I'm going to do a post-mortem on V-Day.
As most of you might have realized by now, Godaya is single. Not a lot of women out there are willing to go out with jobless, not-so-good-looking bloggers these days. Apparently it's something to do with choosing the strongest from the pack. It's some animal instinct thing which is beyond my comprehension, but the result of it is me being single.
So this meant that I spent a typical "singles" Valentine's Day. Not something fun when everybody around you is either getting flowers or sending them. The extent of my display of affection towards a better half, was to text the-closest-thing-I-have-to-a-better-half at 3.45am, and to receive a reply at 4pm that evening. Not helping. I did get the "I love you in a very platonic way," texts that flow around, but since I was barred, couldn't spread the love from my end (as I usually do).
In the traditional manner of single people bashing V-Day, I think we've lost the essence of it somewhere. I've tried to dig through acres of cards, custom made genetically modified roses, jewelry, mountains of chocolates, but no one seems to value romance anymore. It's all covered in layers and layers of merchandise and advertising, that it's tough to find people who know what V-Day is all about.
On a more interesting note, the Sri Lankan blogosphere seemed to be on the same boat as I. Most of them appear to be single as well, looking at the anti V-Day posts that were flooding the blog world. Maybe I should start looking there for a partner from within my own blogging kind?
How was your Valentines? Contribute to the post-mortem at http://pinkboxinggloves.com