Jayantha likely to be new IGP, 10 new DIGs
By Chris Kamalendran
Senior Deputy Inspector General Jayantha Wickremaratna |
Senior Deputy Inspector General Jayantha Wickremaratna is expected to be the next Inspector General as the current police chief Victor Perera is not likely to be given an extension when he retires on July 1, informed sources said yesterday.
Mr. Wickremaratna is now the Senior DIG Range II with the Uva, Central (East), South and Sabaragamuwa regions under his purview.
Earlier this week 10 SSPs were promoted by the National Police Commission to the rank of DIGs. They were picked from a list of 50 applicants, including nine retired SSPs.
The new DIGs are H.M.B Herath (Elections Batticaloa), Fabian Mitchel (Personnel Division), H.A.D. Gunatillake (Monaragala), Upali Hewage (Tangalle), Sisira Mendis (Director CID), W.P. Dayaratna (Welfare), Jagath Abeysiri Gunawardena (Kandy), Shantha Rajapaksa (Police Headquarters), Lalith Jayasinghe (Supplies Division) and V.A.S.P. Nanayakkara (Batticaloa).
NPC Secretary K.C. Logeswaran said this time more marks had been given for merit than for seniority in selecting the new DIGs. |