In our current pre-occupation with rice shortages and soaring prices, many have forgotten that there was a time when we partook of a different kind of rice for different events like births, and celebrations, toil and sickness. Up until a few decades ago research indicates that Sri Lankan tables hosted nearly 350 different varieties of rice; going even further back, estimates range as high as 3000 varieties.
Popular actor Ravindra Randeniya is about to light the traditional oil lamp at a heavily-attended ceremony. Amidst the smiling people, he suddenly clutches his chest and falls. While the adults look on in stunned inactivity, schoolchildren rush forward from the audience and one administers mouth-to-mouth resuscitation, shouting for someone to call 110.
Finding a grave-site in the yellowed pages of the old register at the Mahaiyawa Cemetery Office, in Kandy District, proved easier than finding the real thing.The cemetery office curator Sarath spent close to two months looking for a certain Albert Watson’s grave, and when he did, it was quite by accident: an ordinary-looking grave with a simple granite cross in the Anglican section of the old Mahaiyawa Cemetery.