Sitting, walking on powderkeg
Bombs buried beneath your feet: Radio wave equipment available to detect dumps concealing explosives and guns, but government shows lack of interest
By S.T. Chandrasekera
No intelligent strategist will plan a massive onslaught without providing adequate security to the civilians. The question that is asked by the intelligent intellectuals is, "how many innocent civilians have to die of bomb blasts, for the powers that be to open their eyes to use a device that detects bombs and guns?"
This is not a metal detector, but very inexpensive equipment operated by radio waves, which detect concealed bombs and guns.
These weapons of mass destruction may be buried underground or, stored in ceilings of houses and buildings, especially those constructed in the Ratmalana, Mt. Lavinia, Wellawatte, Kotahena, Mutwal areas.
The radio waves travel through earth and through concrete, to detect the places where these lethal weapons are concealed. We are living in the 21st century, and there are many types of equipment available to detect concealed guns and bombs. Instead of strengthening security for the people who voted the Govt. to power, the politicians are strengthening their own security! These 225 parliamentarians serve no useful purpose for the people. Instead, they have a carnival with the tax payer's money.
Pits about 20 feet long, 10 feet wide and, 8 to 10 feet deep, are constructed in gardens or, special places may be secretly reserved in buildings or condominiums, to conceal such weapons.
Containers made of zinc or any other pliable alloy are embedded in this pit or space, and lethal guns and bombs are stored in these and sealed by a process not using the oxy-acetylene flame, because the heat from the welding flame will percolate down and ignite the bombs. This is why the oxy-acetylene flame is not used. That is the reason why the containers are made of alloys like zinc.
After sealing the containers, the ground is covered with earth, turfed over, and a root balled tree or 2 planted here. These sites will be opened when orders are given from the Wanni.
Several intellectuals prepared a report and presented it to the powers that be, but no action has been taken yet, to locate these sites. The equipment operated by radio waves to detect concealed weapons, cost less that Rs. 90,000/- and is made by several manufacturers around the world. It is known that they are made by Brijot Imaging Systems of Orlando-Florida, and in Israel, and in India. If Our Diplomatic Missions are alerted several other manufactures of this equipment can be identified. It is so inexpensive, that it may be worth the while for private bus owners too to invest in this equipment, to detect suspicious parcels and persons wearing suicide kits.
The LTTE know that memories are short lived and incidents are invariably forgotten after a week or two, and that the Police and Security Forces will relax, till the next bomb goes off.
If searches are conducted by responsible military and police personnel, each contingent headed by a Lt. Colonel or an ASP, allegations can be averted that weapons were introduced, or that things have been stolen from the houses searched. These searches have to be conducted with extreme courtesy. The residents must be informed that they are being done for their own protection.
The LTTE cadres are standing by in Colombo to create bedlam when they receive orders from the Wanni. If regular searches are done, these Tigers will be on the run. It is useless having thousands of uniformed personnel lining the streets, without detecting and removing the concealed lethal weapons stored in Colombo. This must be intelligently understood. We salute Sarath Fonseka, Roshan Goonethilleke and Vasantha Karannagoda, and the men they command for their valor and dedication.
They cannot be saddled with planning the strategy for the security of Colombo. This aspect must be handled by highly intelligent civilians, and not by unintelligent stooges.
Strategy planned by unintelligent stooges can cause immense damage, and bring about their own destruction.
Another recommendation these intellectuals made in their report was that if anyone was in exclusive possession of lethal weapons, upon conviction, the penalty should be, namely, (a) death (b) confiscation of house and property. These weapons are stored in concealment for the purpose of mass destruction. No mercy should be shown to people who are hand in glove with the LTTE.
However, it is necessary that search parties should be headed by an ASP or a Lt. Colonel, because there may be a tendency for lower ranking officers to introduce such weapons during the search, blackmail residents and collect bribes. The common perception of a politician today is that he has strengthened his security, though he performs no useful function for the welfare of the people. The people who helped the politician to secure plum portfolios are left to their destinies. To not to act promptly to protect the people, is an act tantamount to high treason. Without detecting the weapons already brought into Colombo, and without keeping LTTE suicide cadres on the run from the city, the government should not plan a massive onslaught in the Wanni. But the advice has fallen by the wayside and the war goes on merely to satisfy the JVP and the JHU so that the government could keep its numbers in parliament purely for its own survival.