"We are proud to promote the CSE, which is the best market in the world today'' says Mrs. Himaddrini Abayanayake, editor of 'The Lankian' magazine.

L to R: Miss Premali Fernando (Business Annalyst Bartleets), Mr. Angelo Ranasinghe (Director Bartleets), Mr. Isuru Wijeratne (Head of Marketing - Lankians) and Mrs. Himaddrini Abayanayake (Editor - The Lankian). |
Having withstood a recent world recession the market has been steadily growing towards an upward trend. Due to the good practices and controls the CSE has been able to sail smoothly.
Speaking on the importance of investment in the CSE our main sponsor Mr. Angelo Ranasinghe, Director Bartleets Mallory Stockbrokers was of this view ''I'm glad to say that from its inception our investors in the CSE have all won in the long run''.
'The Lankian Business Directory' (UK Sri Lankan Business Directory), 'The Lankian' magazine and www.lankians.lk website has promoted Sri Lanka in UK and worldwide says Mr. Isuru Wijerathne head of Marketing for Lankians. He further added ''using our website, face book fan page, twitter and printed publications we go worldwide promoting Sri Lanka as a business. Today our website has a live update of the CSE, sponsored by Bartleet Mallory Stockbrokers''.
The seminar is sponsored by Bartleets Mallory Stockbrokers and co-sponsored by Mt Lavinia Hotel and Guardian Fund Management (PVT) Ltd. This will be of immense interest and value to New Investors, Sri Lankan Expatriates, Tourists and to all keen on knowing the workings of the stock market and shares.
Seminar will be held at the Mt. Lavinia hotel on Sunday 13th February 2011. The guests will be served high tea refreshments and free course material. |