Veteran actor, writer, lyricist and TV presenter and many more, W. Jayasiri recently released his latest book ‘Mathaka Samaga Latta Lotta’, a personal experiences on his 50 year journey in cinema. In this book Jayasiri has presented entertaining, unforgettable and exciting memories in cinema, stage drama, television and radio working with a vast array of [...]


Jayasiri narrates 50 years cinematic journey


Veteran actor, writer, lyricist and TV presenter and many more, W. Jayasiri recently released his latest book ‘Mathaka Samaga Latta Lotta’, a personal experiences on his 50 year journey in cinema.

In this book Jayasiri has presented entertaining, unforgettable and exciting memories in cinema, stage drama, television and radio working with a vast array of people including actors, actresses, directors, producers and many others. The book is an entertaining read for anyone who is interested in Sri Lanka’s cinema, theatre, radio and generally anything related to Sri Lankan arts.

Published by Jude Srimal for Nirmala Prakashana, the book is now available in leading bookshops around Colombo.

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