When my grandmother died, we began to clean her room and we found a countless number of empty plastic bottles beneath her bed as well as a whole heap of cloth material that she had bought, yet she had not even made a single stitch on any of them. Similarly, whenever we clean our drawers [...]


Clean The Brain Garbage in 2022


When my grandmother died, we began to clean her room and we found a countless number of empty plastic bottles beneath her bed as well as a whole heap of cloth material that she had bought, yet she had not even made a single stitch on any of them. Similarly, whenever we clean our drawers and cupboards every year, we find a heap of papers, invitation cards, letters, bills, invoices and samples which are good for nothing. They only consume the valuable space which could have been used for something more worthwhile and productive to our lives. Recently, I sent a very valuable video to a family member of mine, when I inquired if she watched it, she told me that she could not download it as there was no space in her phone memory. She said there were over thousands of photos and videos stored in her phone. So, I asked her the importance of those photos and videos and she said over 75% of them were just junk saved when she received them. These incidents made me realise that my grandmother’s room is not different to the mind of many unproductive individuals who have piled up their minds with all sorts of empty things which are extremely unproductive. Many people have chosen to store things that produce misery over things that are capable of producing happiness.

There are people who are fearfully awakened at night due to the dreams that haunt them as a consequence of repeatedly nurturing worrisome or fearful thoughts during the day time. Your subconscious mind is just like google, it derives the most searched information. Therefore, if you have planted and watered jealousy over a period of time then your subconscious mind will derive thoughts of jealousy every time you encounter a person who is above your standards. If your cupboard is full of empty plastic bottles and contaminated and expired tin food then you will not have space to store your valuable books, clothes and other equipment.

During the second chapter of my life I was ashamed of myself when I found out that many of my shirts were worn only once. I felt so bad since I was a person who had nothing, yet when I am blessed in such a manner I have used those blessings unproductively. Since that day of realisation, I made a firm decision that I will hold myself accountable for every single cent that I spend and every minute I live. I made it a practice to recap my day every night before I go to bed so that I could evaluate if every cent I spent and every minute I lived have been productive to myself as well as to others.

Sometimes, people let one single root of bitterness to be rooted within themselves about something someone has done to them and they continually think about it over and over again. It is not only your mind that turns bitter but your brain also utilises its capacity to store bitterness that could have been stored with love, sweet memories and passionate dreams. The more negativity you contemplate on, the more miserable your mind turns out to be. On the flip side, the more positivity you contemplate on, the happier your mind becomes. Living a life of happiness or misery is your own choice.

We are reaching towards the end of 2022, a tough year that almost every Sri Lankan struggled to the utmost. Yet, we cannot step into 2023 with blunt, non effective life battling weapons. At the brink of a tough year, I request each one of you to analyse what you possess in your life batting armory. Are they powerful enough to offer you a plentiful fruitful harvest? Or Are they strong enough to put you mentally down so that it can make your life even more miserable in 2023? Are you still permitting the hurtful ache caused by your loved one to roam around your mind from morning till night and destroy your valuable time which you could have invested on planning your future endeavours. Are you still allowing your stinky pride to control your mind just so that you can prove to your neighbour that your life is better than their life? Then you are no different to a person who hops into a bus that goes Down South, whilst your prime intention is to go to the North.

The minds of many are seated in the wrong buses. Every day they have tiringly journeyed a very stressful day by storing and growing poisonous seeds inside their mind. This is enough! Do not become a self-stealer who steals your own peace. Nobody has the authority to steal or destroy your peace other than you. Therefore, choose to be happy. When the bus driver overtakes you in anger or your neighbour yells at you in slang or your boss condemns you before others, wish them good luck. If not, a root of bitterness will begin to grow inside you until it becomes a large tree of resentment, which produces only fruits of hatred, anger, jealousy, selfishness and self-righteousness.

Every day I make it a point to pray for those who envy me, it prevents the roots of bitterness from entering my mind. When your colleagues secretly backstab your you to the Chairman, bless him, if not that hurtful feeling will steal the energy that you could invest in pushing yourself forward towards boundless success. I was working for a famous company in Sri Lanka, many managers there were against me as I was hardworking and I became a challenge to their manipulative work style. So just as every other defeated personality, they all chose to discriminate against me, mischaracterise me and talk bad about me to the chairman.

However, this chairman is one of the wisest leaders I have met in my life. In his perspective he was keen only on performance. Knowing it, I constantly kept on thriving for performance instead of grumbling and murmuring about the wrong others did to me. I cut down the root of bitterness at its inception and planted and watered the seeds of big dreams. I well and truly knew that I should not store whatever is unproductive and destructive in my mind like my grandma did.

Why not analyse your screen time and see where you have invested your precious time? It will make you sad to see that you have invested your precious time to find out about others, their personal lives, how much the previous leaders have stolen and how their sons are living a lavish life with the corrupt money. It is indeed sad to see that they live happily whilst you keep on dumping garbage in bulk into your mind, brain and heart. That is the reason why many do not find happiness. That is the reason many walk like zombies.

They have not planted seeds of love, passion, confidence and inspiration which will produce peace, happiness, success, performance and victory. Instead many have planted the seeds of jealousy, anger, bitterness, wrath, resentment, inferiority and ego which can only bear fruits of sadness, calamity, sickness, procrastination, failure and depression. Are these the fruits you dream of bearing in your life? I urge you to understand the basic reality, you will never reap an apple by planting a wild mango seed.

Are your five senses trash bins? Do your eyes see only useless dramas which have no contribution towards you or the growth of your children? Or Are you listening to laments and blues that submerge you in the pain of a lost relationship. The person who left you has moved on to be happily married with adorable children, whereas you are sinking in a pool of sadness that could only make you further weak and depressed. Is your mind a Garbage Yard? Is your heart a place to store contaminated and expired hurtful feelings? What do you think would happen to you if you consume expired and contaminated rice? You will certainly be physically sick.

This is what exactly happens to you when you feed your mind and heart with expired stale feelings, hurtful and painful feelings, anger, judgmental thoughts, jealousy, fear, worry and pride. All these are peace consuming poisonous seeds that you need to uproot from your heart and mind this year so that you will have fresh energy, passion, motivation and inspiration to drive towards your dreams and goals in 2023.

For comments: e-mail: philipnehri.m@gmail.com / voice: 0774 88 56 56


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