Scattered yet striking

In the Colombo National Museum, the colonial heritage of Lanka seems often underplayed. There are galleries sumptuous and magnificent dedicated to the classical eras of Anuradhapura, Polonnaruwa and the later isthmus kingdoms leading to the final, Kandyan feudal era, but the four and a half centuries from 1505 to 1948 remain dim lit and ill [...]
A business built on Naimiris

Fiery flavours highlighting homegrown ingredients, with her line of locally produced hot sauces under the brand name Miris by Islandmom, young entrepreneur Shivani A. Tyronne combines her background in business with her love of cooking. Shivani originally pursued a career as a brand marketer after earning a Bachelor’s Degree in Business Administration from Edith Cowan [...]
Morning thoughts at twilight
After many years of living overseas, I am back once more in Colombo. Seated on the verandah in a comfortable armchair and sipping my morning cup of tea, I can savour the vista of green in front of me. At the far end of the well maintained expanse of lawn stand two magnificent trees. They [...]
Rare photos of the past from a Scottish artist

‘A Scottish Artist in Ceylon’ – a new exhibition this week at the Harold Peiris Gallery of the Lionel Wendt takes the visitor back more than a century to vanished views of the country, thanks to a collaboration between two National Trusts – of Scotland and Sri Lanka. The year is 1907. A well-known Scottish [...]
Settling disputes amicably: How Mediation Boards can help
In a society where violence against women has become a troubling concern, there is a lack of awareness among women as to some of the key underlying issues: what is violence against women? What are the consequences? What are ways to prevent it? What are the legal procedures? What is the correct place to direct [...]
Kelaniya Uni theatre festival begins this week

The Academic Players of the Drama & Theatre and Image Arts Unit of the University of Kelaniya will present a Drama Festival at the University this week. The University’s Drama and Theatre Honours Degree programme begun in 1998, will be completing 25 years this year and some renowned thespians who are Kelaniya alumni will be [...]
Wilson’s latest: 14 roles in one

Wilson Gunaratne is back, this time juggling no less than 14 characters from his customary seven or eight in a telefilm that casts a wistful if sardonic glance at the ‘heaven on earth’ promised us by our trusty politicians. Ranging from the Father of India Mahatma Gandhi, writer Martin Wickramasinghe, former President J.R. Jayawardene, and [...]
Letters to the Editor
How about cost cutting in Government sector? The newspapers are full of wild speculations of how big government – your government – plans to raise more taxes – VAT, direct taxes, etc. to pay for its spending in the New Year. They are demanding more money for their overweight departmental budgets, taking from the already [...]
My only son, my greatest treasure Laurie Peiris The special bond between my son Laurie and myself was clear to anyone even at first sight. He was my only child and I doted on him. From childhood, he was there right beside me if anything needed doing in the home. His caring ways grew as [...]
In-depth look at soils of the North

“Soils of the Northern Region of Sri Lanka: Morphology, Characterization and Classification” was released on World Soil Day – December 5 by the Soil Science Society of Sri Lanka, filling an important void on knowledge related soils and environment of the Northern region. Edited by Prof. Ranjith Mapa, the book provides information on soils found [...]