Julius & Creasy celebrate 144 years

Julius & Creasy Attorneys at Law marked their 144th year in active unbroken practice on January 1st at a simple ceremony. Senior partner S.A. Cader is seen cutting the cake at the event flanked by other partners of the firm.
Faint light at the end of the tunnel for Myanmar

The relentless and determined struggle of the people of Myanmar for nearly two years against the dictatorship of a military junta to save democracy showed positive signs of fruition in the last week of December last year. Their ultimate goal of success, however, is not yet discernible and is dependent much on the many twists [...]
Sri Lankan wins worldwide engineering award
Ishan Kavan Abeysekera BEng 1st Class (Warwick), MSc Earthquake Engineering (Imperial College London), DIC, CEng MIMechE, won the prestigious ‘Young Structural Engineering Professional Award 2022’ of the Institution of Structural Engineers. The institution is one of the world’s leading professional bodies providing professional accreditation. The Institution press release states (27/06/2022): “The Young Structural Engineering Professional [...]
Dialog and SLIM launch ‘SLIM Dialog Brand Week 2023’

Dialog Axiata PLC partnered with the Sri Lanka Institute of Marketing (SLIM) to launch ‘SLIM Dialog Brand Week’ from January 11-13 at the Water’s Edge Colombo. The three-day marketing symposium will be a content-rich forum where a diverse pool of international and local speakers with insights into the nuances of marketing and branding will congregate [...]
Help restore Padmasiri Gamage’s eyesight
Padmasiri Gamage, dance instructor, founder of Padmaranga Kala Ayathanaya, choreographer for over 67 films and teledrama dance sequences, and creator of the stage drama ‘Sthri and Vaira’, has lost sight in both eyes and requires surgery. He is seeking help from kind donors and past pupils to fund this surgery. Mr Gamage [...]
Baby Shamel requires help

14-month-old Shamel was diagnosed with Spinal Muscular Atrophy (SMA), a rare neuromuscular condition that causes patients to have weakened muscles and damaged neurones in the brain stem and spinal cord. SMA affects ability to independently sit, stand, crawl, walk, eat, and even breathe and can be fatal if untreated depending on the symptoms. According to [...]
China’s brutal COVID winter
By Nancy Qian, exclusively for the Sunday Times in Sri Lanka Last month, China ended its zero-COVID policy, bringing a tumultuous end to restrictions after nearly three years. The suddenness of the move surprised nearly everyone. The process could have been much more gradual, with a slower shift from mass forced lockdowns to more flexible [...]