It’s back! Scrabble for senior citizens
View(s):The popular Senior Citizens Association scrabble tournament is back this month. It will be held on April 30 at the Hilton Colombo from 8 a.m. to 6 p.m.
The tournament for Scrabble enthusiasts is open to those aged over 55. It will be played in two categories, the Championship category and the Intermediate category (A and B groups). Players who are very proficient will take part in A, and those less so, in B. The dictionary used will be Collins Official Scrabble Words, 2021.
The entry fee is Rs.1500. Lunch will not be provided, but interval and teatime snacks and beverages will be provided by the hotel.
For further details regarding application forms and registration, please contact Kumari on tel: 0770747006 or 011 2582849.
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