Ranil plans for a 25-year match

Time: a vital factor in cricket and politics Come March and a spirit of jollity and frivolity gets into us forgetting all other issues. It started in 1948 and since then we’ve been there for every Royal-Thomian save one year being confined to an ICU and this year, too, we were confined to domestic barracks [...]
How should Police respond when protesters turn unruly
By B. Anton Jeyanathan The Police had come in for severe criticism during the past few months for their action against protesters who were on the street day in and day out. The Police have to maintain law and order so that the majority of the citizens who are law-abiding, are not inconvenienced or harassed. [...]
Sri Lanka Press Institute’s ‘ChangeMaker’ receives Merit Award at e-Swabhimani 2021

The Sri Lanka Press Institute (SLPI) received the Merit Award for the ChangeMaker digital tool developed by Enfection Pvt LTD in the category of ‘Government and Citizen Engagement’ at the e-Swabhimani, Digital Social Impact Awards 2021. Chief Executive Officer of the SLPI, Mr Kumar Lopez and Mr Lahiru Halkewela, COO of Enfection received the award [...]
Pakistan HC hosts National Day Reception

The High Commission of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan hosted a National Day Reception which was attended by a large number of participants including Sri Lankan political leadership, diplomatic corps, senior defense officials, Government representatives, prominent business personalities and Pakistani diaspora. High Commissioner of Pakistan Umar Farooq Burki HI (M) in his message on the [...]
Former ANCL employees get-together
A get-together of former Associated Newspapers of Ceylon Limited (ANCL) employees will be held on April 1 at Green Garden Reception Hall at Robert Gunawardena Mawatha, Kirulopone. Those who wish to participate in this event should confirm their participation by contacting the following individuals. M D Dharmasiri – 076 7799865, P B Illangasinghe – 0777 [...]
HelpAge Sri Lanka receives Business World International Organization award

USA-based Business World International Organization (BWIO) recently awarded its ‘Lifetime Achievers Award’ to HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) Chairman Deshabandu Tilak de Zoysa, a well-known business personality and social worker. HelpAge also received the ‘Most Service Oriented Organization in Sri Lanka’ for the third consecutive year for services rendered for elderly citizens in the country. The [...]
Dr M S Mohamed Hussain, PC awarded Doctor of Philosophy

President’s Counsel Dr M S Mohamed Hussain completed a Degree in Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) in the field of ‘Access to Justice by a Third Party in the Interest of Marginalised Community in Sri Lanka’ and, was awarded Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by the Sabaragamuwa University. This is a law research and building a theory [...]
MCB-trained mediation team secure Special Award for Distinction at ICC Paris 2023

A team representing the Royal Institute of Colombo, Sri Lanka consisting of Binuri Weerasinghe, Santhush Pinto and Amana Imthiyas, coached and sponsored by The Moot Court Bench (MCB), secured the Special Award for Distinction in Mediation Advocacy at the 18th International Chamber of Commerce Commercial Mediation Competition Paris (ICC Paris) 2023. The team was introduced [...]
Artificial idiocy: Chatbots and what they can do and not do
By Slavoj Zizek, especially to the Sunday Times, Sri Lanka LJUBLJANA – There is nothing new about “chatbots” that are capable of maintaining a conversation in natural language, understanding a user’s basic intent, and offering responses based on preset rules and data. But the capacity of such chatbots has been dramatically augmented in recent months, [...]