Rizwan Badoordeen was elected president of the Sri Lanka Malay Association (SLMA) at its annual general meeting held at the Colombo Malay Cricket Club. Founded in 1922, the SLMA is dedicated to preserve the Sri Lanka Malay heritage and foster religious values. As part of its centenary celebrations, SLMA organised ‘Pasar Malam’ a fun-filled evening [...]

Sunday Times 2

Sri Lanka Malay Associaion AGM


Rizwan Badoordeen was elected president of the Sri Lanka Malay Association (SLMA) at its annual general meeting held at the Colombo Malay Cricket Club.

Founded in 1922, the SLMA is dedicated to preserve the Sri Lanka Malay heritage and foster religious values. As part of its centenary celebrations, SLMA organised ‘Pasar Malam’ a fun-filled evening with authentic Malay cuisine and traditional Malay cultural performances. They hope to organise a Malay Symposium in May.

Badoordeen was at the helm of Colombo Malay Cricket Club which celebrated its 150th anniversary prior to his election as SLMA president.

Office-bearers 2023-2024:

Patron: Al Haj T E J Cuttilan

Vice Patrons: Branu Rahim, T Y Raheem, Indra Saldin, Thaj Sariffo’deen, Soekarno Ousmand, Thaj Lantra,  Thalip F Iyne, Ramalee Adjumain, Dr Sandy Musafer, DIG B M N Jurangpathy (Rtd), Rohan Musafer, Hajiani Fazeela Cuttilan, Al Haj Tuan Z Assen, Brig T M Bohoran (Rtd) and Juragan Majid

General Council

President: Rizwan Badoordeen

Immediate Past President: Rilwan Lantra

Vice Presidents: Taslim Rahaman, Hussain Jayah,  Irfan Allang, Roy Marso, Shanaz Bohoran, Malrene Lantra,  Sabrina Jayah, Shafeena Fajudeen, Izwan Ahamat,  T J Packeerally

General Secretary: Iqram Cuttilan

Asst Secretary: Yaseem Samath

Treasurer: Diana Rahaman

Asst Treasurer: Adhil Khassim


Social Services Committee


Chairperson: Sandra Sourjah

Secretary: Mersumi Majid

Religious Affairs & Janaza Fund Committee

Chairperson: Zaheeda Ousmand

Secretary:  Marlene Dole

Women’s Affairs Committee

Chairperson: Hashmarene Bangsajayah

Secretary: Feroziya Jumat

Literary & Cultural Affairs Committee

Chairperson: Zeenia Cambal

Secretary: Shalimar Samidon

Research, Documentation Study & Communications Committee

Chairperson: Tinaz Amit

Secretary: Shahana Dole

Committee: Niameth Raheem, Virashmie Adjumain,  Nazreen Allang, Mirsab Samath, Naim Samahon, Razeena Rahaman, Akbar Samidon, Mumtaz Hamidon, Mirza Deane, Irfath Meedin


President (CMCC): Rinaldin Rahaman

Club Captain (CMCC): Roshan Allang

Gen Secretary (CMCC): Perry Jumat

Secretary – Ground & Pavilion (CMCC):  Shyam Razak

President (SLMA Rupee Fund): Al Haj A R Pallie

Gen Secretary (SLMA Rupee Fund): Ibnusha Ally

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