Celebrating Cosmonautics Day

Russian House, Colombo, celebrated Cosmonautics Day on Thursday. The event was graced by Russian Ambassador for Sri Lanka and Maldives, Mr Levan Dzhagaryan, and other senior officials. The event was followed by a book launch and movie screening. Students of Sivali Central College also participated in the event. Pic by Priyanka Samaraweera
Diaspora support sought to aid Sri Lankan students study abroad
Diaspora support is to be sought to send Lankan students who excel to top international universities. President Ranil Wickremesinghe instructed officials to obtain support from the diaspora to a fund that will finance foreign post-graduate courses for students here. “I want to give more for students who pass out from Sri Lankan universities. Annually, we [...]
Indian scholarship programme for children in estate sector
The deadline for a scholarship programme for children of estate workers to continue their further education is on April 29, The Indian High Commission said. The Government of India has been extending scholarships for the children of estate workers for GCE A/L, undergraduate courses, and vocational/technical education in Government technical colleges in Sri Lanka. Students [...]
Applications open for Grade 5 scholarship passed students
Applications for students applying to Grade 6 for the 2023 academic year, based on 2022 Grade 5 scholarship results, have been called online. Applications can be presented online through the website https://g6application.moe.gov.lk/#/ from noon of April 20 to midnight of May 8. The census number relevant to the respective school to be applied can be [...]
GCE (O/L) exam on schedule: Edu Ministry
The Education Ministry has decided to keep to the GCE (O/L) revised examination schedule and commence exams on May 29. Education Minister Susil Premajayantha said this is to ensure that students are not affected by delaying the exam. He added that the ministry plans to reduce the August and December holidays in order to complete [...]
Vesak week to be held in all State schools
The Ministry of Education has instructed schools, national colleges of education, pirivenas and teacher training colleges to declare a Vesak week from May 2 till May 8. The heads of above institutions have been requested by the Education Ministry Secretary to hold programmes on several topics, namely, Buddhism for a sustainable environment (which includes environment [...]
Merge all State-run vocational training institutions: President
President Ranil Wickremesinghe, this week, proposed to merge all State-run vocational training institutions and increase training sessions. Addressing higher education officials, the President suggested merging of the Vocational Training Authority (VTA) and National Apprentice and Industrial Training Authority (NAITA) and joining with the National Youth Council. He highlighted the need to increase training hours by [...]
J’Pura Uni’s ‘Mezclar 2023’ fosters collaboration between industry and academia
The Faculty of Engineering, University of Sri Jayewardenepura, organised an event called ‘Mezclar 2023’ recently, aimed at bridging the gap between industry and academia, and to foster collaboration between the two sectors. Dr Thilaksiri Bandara, Dean Faculty of Engineering welcomed guests, and guest of honour Prof Upul Subasinghe, the Vice Chancellor, addressed the gathering. Chief [...]
FUTA to rethink decision to end paper marking boycott
The Federation of University Teachers’ Associations (FUTA) says it has been forced to rethink an earlier decision to end their boycott of marking GCE A/Level answer scripts following “threats” made by President Ranil Wickremesinghe. While addressing a meeting of officials at the Presidential Secretariat on Wednesday, President Wickremesinghe warned that if teachers did not make [...]
Wesley Tamil Lit Assn hold cultural show

Wesley College Tamil Literary Association’s Cultural show title Mathuram was held on Tuesday, April 4 at 3 p.m. at the college’s Main Auditorium. The Tamil Literary Union of Wesley College consists of Tamil students and staff of the college. Founded in 1944 the TLU aims to spread the Tamil language across the world and seeks [...]
Brand New Year!

We Sri Lankans are so lucky to have the opportunity of celebrating two new years in a given year. As the whole world celebrates the dawn of the New Year on the 31st midnight (1st of Jan) we Sri Lankans too welcome the New Year with new plans and hopes. For the corporate fraternity, this [...]
Nalanda’s First Principal -Dr. Gunapala Malalsekera Dr Gunapala Malalasekera’s 50th death anniversary falls on 23rd April 2023
It was a very rare achievement for a new school to receive the services of a scholar of repute of the 20th century as its first Principal. In November 1925 ‘Nalanda Vidyalaya’ was registered as a School but it was only in January 1926 that Dr Gunapala Piyasena Malasekera assumed the office of Nalanda’s first [...]
Graduateship/ Bsc(Honours) In Chemical Science Examination 2022
Level 3 & 4 – First Semester Subject Prizes for Best Performances (Subject to the Confirmation by the Academic Board & the Council of the Institute) Dr. Lakshman Ponnamperuma Memorial Trust Prize for Advanced Inorganic Chemistry I(C/CHE 31013) 205560…. Ms.T A Fernando Dr. S. Lakshman De Silva Memorial Trust Prize for Physical Organic Chemistry, Pericyclic [...]
Breaking Stereotypes: Gateway’s Innovative Approach to Mathematics Education

Gateway College has challenged the common belief that Mathematics is a difficult subject that can only be comprehended by a few selected students. With the objective of making students more comfortable with the learning of Mathematics through the teaching of concepts in a relatable manner, last March, the Gateway Group of Schools introduced a novel programme [...]
Eliminate the wait and join London AL or SACE at Gateway

Gateway College has opened registration for post OL/IGCSE students to complete their final stage of schooling both efficiently and successfully. Gateway’s newly-designed programme of study that commences on the 21st of June not only offers students a wide range of options but grooms them with skills and competencies needed for University and Life. There is [...]
21st Agricultural Research Symposium (AGRES) of Wayamba University of Sri Lanka

The legendary university, Wayamba University of Sri Lanka which was established on 1st of October 1999 as the 13th national university of Sri Lanka was an affiliated university College in North Western Province, which was known as “Wayamba Mandapaya” of the Rajarata University of Sri Lanka. Faculty of Agriculture and Plantation Management (FAPM), which was [...]
Mind Treadmill & Wavering Desires

Very recently I asked my wife to refrain from cooking chicken often as I seem to not like chicken anymore. After saying so I was awe struck to realise how much I craved for a piece of chicken some time ago. It was a strange feeling to think of what I so badly craved for [...]
SLIIT Bachelor of Education programmes offer pathways to meaningful and fulfilling teaching careers with strong 21st century skills

Contributing to the development of the national education platform, SLIIT is offering new Bachelor of Education programmes, namely the B.Ed (Hons) in Social Sciences and B.Ed (Hons) in Information Technology. These programmes enable students to obtain pathways to meaningful and fulfilling teaching careers with strong 21st-century skills. The SLIIT B.Ed programmes are four-year full-time degrees [...]
All are set for the Josephian Vehicle Parade on 30th April

The annual vehicle parade of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo 10 will take place on April 30, 2023, in coincide with the annual Joe-Pete one-day encounter for the 49th time at the Sinhalese Sports Club (SSC) on the same day. The showpiece will start at 7 am, from the College premises in Colombo-10, and proceed to [...]
JOES receives 1.5 million to boost its smart board initiative project

The St. Joseph’s college batch of 2006 along with the Josephian Vehicle Parade committee, made a donation worth Rs. 1.5 million, in support of the college’s smart board initiative project that has already been carried out and established in the sections of grades 1 to 6 as well as the Advanced Level section. The donated [...]
Broaden your horizons at the Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo

The Faculty of Medicine, University of Colombo, Sri Lanka, established in 1870, is the undisputed premier medical school in the country. The Faculty takes pride in its 150 years of history and tradition, and has the expertise, technology and resources to train post-graduates and other aspiring candidates in the health-related areas to meet the modern-day [...]

Join the Awareness Seminar conducted by University Officials. On 30th of April at 10.30 Am at REC Campus Premises Becoming a doctor is no longer a dream for Sri Lankan students, thanks to conveniently accessible and affordable overseas education. The path that leads to obtaining the higher education dream of becoming a medical professional is lengthy and challenging, [...]
Curtin Colombo to partner with elite global business school – offers globally recognised business degree

Curtin University Business School has announced that it will offer a 3-year Bachelor of Business Administration (BBA) degree through Curtin Colombo commencing in July 2023. Curtin Colombo is the latest addition to Curtin University’s global operation that includes campuses in Western Australia, Malaysia, Dubai, Singapore, and Mauritius. In recent years, Curtin University has achieved its [...]