WNPS lecture on balancing conservation and development
Prof. Tharanga Thoradeniya
‘Wildlife: Is it Truly Wild? The dilemma of wildlife welfare and ethics in the present era’ is the topic of this month’s Wildlife and Nature Protection Society (WNPS) lecture by Prof. Tharanga Thoradeniya on Thursday, May 18 at 6 p.m. at the Jasmine Hall, BMICH.
Over the years, human welfare and development have been pursued at the expense of everything around us. Almost every day, the media carry reports of forests being destroyed, wildlife being killed, and rivers and oceans being polluted to the detriment of the aquatic fauna and flora that inhabit these habitats.
Yet our country remains in dire need of development – however, should progress be at the cost of our precious resources and the environment, which are depleting at a rapid rate? Can a balance be found?
Tharanga Thoradeniya is a Professor at the Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, of the Faculty of Medicine, at the University of Colombo. She was the first South Asian scientist to be awarded the prestigious Global Animal Welfare Award by the World Veterinary Association (WVA), as well as the CevaSantéAnimale (Ceva) in 2020 for her outstanding service and dedication in promoting animal welfare in research animals.
The WNPS lecture, supported by the Nations Trust Bank, is open to all and entrance is free.
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