Japan in fresh drive to create a world without nuclear weapons

By Ameen Izzadeen HIROSHIMA – Japan, the host of the summit of the world’s most advanced democracies, G7, is pushing for a reinvigorated drive to achieve global nuclear disarmament amid growing fears that Russia will resort to the nuclear option in its war with Ukraine. But a yawning gap remains between Japan’s good intentions and [...]
Roshan Fernando appointed Canon Asia Voyager of Light for 2023 in Sri Lanka

Roshan Fernando, a prominent cinematographer in Sri Lanka, was recently appointed as Canon Asia Voyager of Light for Sri Lanka for 2023 for Canon Professional Digital Video and Cinema EOS Products by Canon Singapore (Pte) Ltd and Metropolitan Technologies (Private) Limited. Mr Fernando is the director of productions at Studio FX (Private) Limited, one of [...]
Book on Sri Dalada Maligawa in Tamil

A book on Sri Dalada for schoolchildren by the Sunday Times correspondent L B Senaratne was presented to University of Peradeniya Vice Chancellor Professor M D Lamawansa recently. Chief Librarian of the Univesity Dr M Maheswaran wrote the Foreword and reviewed the final proofs of the book. Author L B Senaratne said he thought of [...]
HelpAge and Give 2 Asia provide dry rations to elders

The Give 2 Asia international organisation, based in San Francisco Bay Area and working in 23 countries across the Asia Pacific recently partnered with HelpAge Sri Lanka (HASL) to assist over 6,000 elderly citizens living in the Southern, Western Eastern, Sabaragamuwa, North Central, North Western and Central provinces by distributing them with Rs17 million worth [...]
Dr Ranjith Obeyesekera awarded outstanding Finalist awards by Australian space industry
Dr Ranjith Obeyesekera, a wave energy expert, was recently awarded outstanding Finalist awards in The Innovator, The Engineer, The Scientist, and The Research and Development project (2023) categories by the Australian space industry at the Australian space summit. He has several international patents in wave energy turbines and for cost effective, relocatable, self-controlled dual axis [...]
Only Gota and Mahinda can reveal the truth on political conspiracies

Moves for the resurrection of the Lotus Bud Party (Pohottuwa) of the Rajapaksas are already under way. Stories about international conspiracies even involving superpowers are many to exculpate former President Gotabaya Rajapaksa who abdicated his power without a word to his constituents. Gotabaya is projected as an innocent, well intentioned man who fell victim to [...]
Will Europe Be the World’s Biggest Loser?
By Joschka Fischer BERLIN – The post-1945 era of global stability is over and gone. From the bipolar world of the Cold War to the American-dominated unipolar world that replaced it, we have long benefited from a sense of strategic order. Though there were many smaller wars (and even some larger ones), from Korea and [...]