The Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Marketing – APIDM  introduces a groundbreaking Diploma in Digital Driven Marketing programme, a game-changer in the realm of digital marketing education in Sri Lanka. This comprehensive 1-year course is designed to revolutionize the way students learn and prepare for a successful career in the dynamic world of digital marketing. [...]


Employability Guaranteed Digital Marketing Diploma: For the First Time in Sri Lanka


The Asia Pacific Institute of Digital Marketing – APIDM  introduces a groundbreaking Diploma in Digital Driven Marketing programme, a game-changer in the realm of digital marketing education in Sri Lanka. This comprehensive 1-year course is designed to revolutionize the way students learn and prepare for a successful career in the dynamic world of digital marketing. What sets this programme apart is the unique guarantee it offers – employability. Yes, you heard it right, employability is guaranteed!

If you are a school leaver looking to kickstart your career or an undergraduate seeking to enhance your skills, or someone new to the digital marketing industry, this programme is tailored to meet your needs.

“Our goal is to nurture and develop the next generation of digital marketing professionals who are not only knowledgeable but also equipped with the practical skills required to thrive in today’s digital landscape,” says Mr. Amitha Amarasinghe, Co-founder & CEO of APIDM.

In today’s global job market, employers worldwide are increasingly in search of candidates who possess practical skills and hands-on experience. However, many graduates find themselves lacking real-world application, leading to the emergence of a significant Digital Skill Gap. Recognizing this gap, this program by APIDM has been specifically designed to equip graduates with the necessary skills for successful digital marketing careers. As such, the Diploma in Digital Driven Marketing program curriculum bridges the theory-practice divide, ensuring job readiness.

At the core of this programme is the promise of employability. APIDM pledges to stand by its students and their aspirations for a successful career in digital marketing. Upon completing the programme, if a student fails to find employment within the employability window of one year, APIDM guarantees a full refund of the course fee. This unwavering commitment aims to ensure the students’ ultimate success and empower them with the confidence necessary to excel in the industry.

With industry accreditation, APIDM ensures that its programme meets the highest standards of digital marketing education and training. This accreditation validates the quality of its curriculum and guarantees that graduates are well prepared to meet industry demands.

Throughout the programme, students will delve into a wide range of digital marketing strategies, including search engine optimisation, social media marketing, search advertising, data analytics, cyber security, website management, and much more. With a perfect blend of practical training and theoretical knowledge, students will develop a deep understanding of these essential skills, empowering them to make an immediate impact in any organization they join.

Open doors to endless opportunities become a career-ready digital marketing professional and set yourself apart in the competitive job market. Be a part of history and join the first-ever employability-guaranteed Diploma in Digital Driven Marketing programme in Sri Lanka. Enroll today and embark on a transformative journey towards a fulfilling and lucrative career in digital marketing. Contact APIDM for more information (Inquiries: Shareena 0772158855).

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