Rupee depreciation boosts wood-based product purchases from abroad

Mr. Channa Wijesekara
While the economic crisis had an impact on many sectors in Sri Lanka since last year, there are industries that made good profit margins by grabbing the opportunity. One such industry is the wood-based industry.
Sri Lanka saw a growing trend of foreign direct investors purchasing wood-based products due to the rupee depreciation and quality improvements on the locally manufactured products. While the industry does well, there is lack of educational material in relation to wood-based industry, Channa Wijesekara, President of the Wood-based Industrialists Association of Sri Lanka and the Chairman, Advisory Committee on Wood-based Industry Sector to the Ministry of Industries, told the Business Times
He said, “Foreign investors have started buying wood-based products directly because of the rupee depreciation and quality improvements in Sri Lankan wooden products. Also Sri Lanka exports US$60 million worth of wooden products annually to America and European markets.” Even during the economic crisis last year, the wood industry survived and tapped many markets and exported wood-based products, added Mr. Wijesekara.
He also highlighted that Sri Lanka is mainly lagging behind in providing literature in relation to wood-based industry and the unavailability of modern technology. “We need to create awareness among the younger generation who are in the industry, about the modern trends and technology that is available,” he noted.
With the intention of educating the younger generation, Mr. Wijesekara has authored three theoretical books and three practical books in English and Sinhala. They are educational books on wood technology, carpentry and joinery, carpentry tools and a guide to practical wood working applications. The six volumes are resources for both novice and experienced carpenters and others with interest in the wood industry. The books provide a comprehensive introduction to the art and science of carpentry and joinery in detail.
The series starts with an overview of the basic tools and equipment needed for carpentry and joinery, including a detailed discussion on how to properly use and maintain them. This volume is particularly useful for those who are new to carpentry and the book provides a solid foundation for the rest of the books. The detailed descriptions not only outline the correct usage of tools but also guide the reader on how effectively to obtain precise measurements, which is one of the key requirements in carpentry.
The second book in the series, ‘Basic Technology of Wood Science’ gives more theoretical substances on dendrology and the basics of Wood Technology. Each chapter is presented in a clear and easy-to-understand manner, with step-by-step information starting with growth and structure of trees and moving to the valuable technical information on timber drying with illustrations to help and guide the reader.
‘Woodworking: A Practical approach,’ in Sinhala, outlines the practicality of the theoretical matter described in the first three books. All three books exemplify the practical application of machinery and equipment with hands-on exercises. has you covered with quality used or brand new cars for sale that are budget friendly yet reliable! Now is the time to sell your old ride for something more attractive to today's modern automotive market demands. Browse through our selection of affordable options now on before deciding on what will work best for you!