The Sunday Times photograph last week of the Israeli National Day celebrations in Colombo with the presence of Foreign Minister Ali Sabry has provoked strong reactions from people. Two such reactions are reproduced below as a reflection of the feelings among Sri Lankan citizenry who have a long-standing history of solidarity with the Palestinian people’s [...]


Palestine—75 years of injustice and still counting


The Sunday Times photograph last week of the Israeli National Day celebrations in Colombo with the presence of Foreign Minister Ali Sabry has provoked strong reactions from people.

Two such reactions are reproduced below as a reflection of the feelings among Sri Lankan citizenry who have a long-standing history of solidarity with the Palestinian people’s struggle for justice. 

The first is from a long-standing human rights activist. Former Sri Lankan Ambassador to France Senaka Bandaranayake’s wife Manel (nee Fonseka) in an email to the Minister dated June 11, (which she shared with this writer) had this to say:

Minister Ali Sabry, I shuddered to see this photo. What a country! Ours. That a Muslim Foreign Minister should be raising a glass to toast the 75th anniversary of this devastating crime.

Growing up in London, during & after the war, I inherited an existential guilt about the Jews. But even before the ‘67 war I had come to understand the real nature of Israel & the hideous fate of the Palestinians.

How can we toast 75 years of colonisation in the same breath as we celebrated our decolonisation?

We already send our poorer citizens to care for occupiers of Palestinian land. The thought of our welcoming investment from this worse-than-apartheid state shames me, utterly.

I wonder if you have any concern at all for the dispossessed. For a people who are being slowly eliminated, day after day.

Or have read anything by–for instance–Tel Aviv History Prof. Shlomo Sand: “The Invention of the Jewish People.” “The Invention of the Land of Israel.” “How I Stopped Being a Jew.” Just three of so many books by Jews (or Israelis) who have come out against the state that has granted all of them citizenship!

Min. Sabry–are you concerned about the Palestinians? Did you observe their Nakba?” asks Manel.

The second spontaneous reaction came in a social media post by a researcher cum author. Referring to the Foreign Minister’s intention to promote Israeli investment, he asks “Any idea why this guy is pushing for relations with the Zionists???” Hasn’t he done enough for the Muslims already? Like electing Gota, not stopping the cremation of Janazas just to name a few.”

Knowledgeable Sri Lankans are familiar with the role that Israel’s spy agency Mossad play during the armed conflict. Senior journalist Sugeeswara Senadhira in the Daily News of April 9, 2021 has written in detail about that role drawing from former Mossad agent Victor Ostrovsky’s book By Way of Deception in 1990 in which the latter made sensational revelations about the spy agency training Sri Lankan Armed Forces and the Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam (LTTE) cadres simultaneously at locations close to each other.

The Zionist ideology that gave rise to the Israeli state and continued to sustain its expansion did not care for the many United Nations resolutions that were passed in a bid to restrain its uncontrollable excesses.

The international community, at least those sections that are concerned with ensuring the welfare of oppressed peoples, have watched helplessly as Israel continues unchecked with its violation of Palestinian rights. Using its network of influence in the corridors of power of Western nations, Israel has ensured the governments of these countries do nothing to set right the continuing wrongs inflicted on the Palestinian people for the past 75 years.

The Zionist campaign to create a Jewish state in the midst of the Palestinian homeland began with the infamous Balfour Declaration of 1914 and the movement that set in motion planned Jewish migration from all over the world to change the demography of Palestine in favour of the Jews. Even before the ink had dried on the United Nations resolution that created Israel, the Jewish State had unlawfully expanded its borders beyond the boundaries set out in the resolution.

The backing that Israel receives from the West is evidenced by the assistance received from the United States. According to the Congressional Research Service report on Foreign Aid to Israel is the largest cumulative recipient of U.S. foreign assistance since World War II. According to the Report almost all U.S. bilateral aid to Israel is in the form of military assistance.

In contrast Sri Lanka and the third world has consistently supported the Palestinian cause whole heartedly and highlighted the continuing injustice that continues to take place even after 75 years. Sri Lanka has over the years been a great friend of the Arab and Palestinian people. Successive governments and the Sri Lankan people have championed the cause of the Palestinians locally and in world forums.

The high point in the expression of solidarity with the Palestinian people was in 1970, when the first decision of the Cabinet of the newly elected Sirimavo Bandaranaike led Government was to sever diplomatic relations with Israel.

Although the Palestinian leaders in the early years refused to recognise the existence of Israel, they have now been persuaded to agree to a two state solution. However despite this concession of the Palestinian leadership, Israel’s insatiable thirst to invade and occupy Palestinian land has not been quenched and continues unabated.

Middle East Peace Process Special Coordinator Tor Wennesland early this year told the United Nations Security Council the dangerous cycle of violence continued to persist, amid increased political tensions and a long-stalled peace process.

“The violent trends that dominated the last months of 2022 continue to take a devastating human toll,” he said, adding: “Preventing more loss of life and reversing negative trends on the ground must be our collective priority.” He went on to say, at the same time, the global community must not lose sight of the ultimate goal–to end the Israeli occupation, resolve the conflict and realise a two-State solution.

The UN Official told the Security Council the international community’s immediate priority in the Occupied Palestinian Territory must be to reverse the trends that marked 2022 as one of the deadliest years in recent history.

Meanwhile, the United Nations General Assembly on December 30, 2022 adopted a resolution requesting the International Court of Justice to issue an advisory opinion relating to the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory. This resolution reflected the increasing exasperation of the international community with regard to Israel’s continued violations.

Addressing the Council, the Permanent Observer for the State of Palestine noted that “peace is still possible,” albeit less probable with every day that passes. Spotlighting Israel’s violations of international law, he underlined his rejection of the impunity Israel enjoys for such crimes as killing and maiming Palestinians and conducting mass arbitrary arrests.

The French representative declared it was the responsibility of the Council to enforce international law, including its own resolutions, such as resolution 2334 (2016) relating to Israeli settlement-expansion. He also called on the global community to urgently re-launch the peace process which had been stalled since 2014.

The representative of the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC), voiced grave alarm over Israel’s ongoing acts against Christian and Islamic holy places. “These Israeli provocative and irresponsible acts offend the feelings of Muslims across the globe, violate their religious rights and eternal attachment to this holy site, and jeopardise stability in the region and beyond,” he warned.

In a country where the issue of a separate state and land rights in the North and East is a contentious and sensitive issue, the injustice caused to the Palestinians by being deprived of their land has naturally resonated with the Sri Lankan people.



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