Whatever career one selects to pursue, there are several personal qualities that need to be developed.  In this brief article, I will endeavour to highlight and explain these qualities, which are essential. 1. Empathy is the ability that one has to understand and look at situations, from another person’s perspective.  Being conscious of others points [...]




Whatever career one selects to pursue, there are several personal qualities that need to be developed.  In this brief article, I will endeavour to highlight and explain these qualities, which are essential.

1. Empathy is the ability that one has to understand and look at situations, from another person’s perspective.  Being conscious of others points of view is an essential ingredient for success.  In addition to being conscious of others, respecting their point of view is important, although you may not necessarily agree.

2. Self confidence is a great quality to have as a person.  By being confident of your self, challenges that have to be faced can be dealt with effectively.    Self confidence also demonstrates to the other person, that you are someone who is professional and competent.

3. Patience is a virtue that is imperative for career success.  As you climb the career ladder, there will be times, that you cannot achieve everything that you want.  In such situations, patience is essential, in order not to get unnecessarily demotivated and frustrated.  You also need to have patience with your office colleagues, since they come from very different backgrounds. As such, their aspirations and qualities will also be different. Always think before you speak and act, since once a wrong word is  spoken it cannot be retrieved.

4. Communication skills are another required personal quality. Within communications, the ability to effectively speak and write is important.  Several types of written communication will need to be utilised, such as reports, memorandums and letters.  Spoken communication relating to language ability, clarity of speech and listening skills are also important.  Effective communication provides you an excellent head start in career development.

5. During the career development of a person, business etiquette becomes a vital prerequisite.  Many persons do not pay much attention to this area, but the consequences are enormous.  For example, how to address others, methods of hand shaking, dress and physical make up, entertaining business colleagues etc.,  You normally do not get a second chance to make a first impression.  By learning proper business etiquette, you can get it right the first time, thereby creating a positive impression.

6. In the present business context, time management too becomes important.  Time as you know does not wait for anyone. Hence, you must learn to effectively manage your time for personal productivity.  The starting point is to prepare a daily “things to do” list, which will give you a sense of accomplishment.  Further,    the ability to determine your daily tasks based on urgency and important is critical.  Managing time also comes from experience and learning from mistakes.

7.  Courtesy and good mannerisms are also important qualities. Using the right words such as thank you and sorry, greeting people appropriately are also essential.  In the course of one’s career, you have to deal with superiors, colleagues and subordinates.  Hence, knowing proper manners and showing courtesy are important.

8. Today’s business context is filled with uncertainty and risk.  This leads to several stressful situations for individuals to deal with. Hence, managing stress in order to achieve positive benefits must be learnt.  Stress by itself is not harmful.  But not managing stress and permitting stressful situations to overcome you, can lead to both personal productivity losses as well as health related ailments.

9. Discipline is sadly lacking amongst modern day youth.  Hence, if a successful career is to be built, self discipline becomes important.  Abiding by the rules and regulations of the country and business organizations is a must.  Further, self enforced ethics could also be extremely useful.  Without discipline it is difficult to accomplish almost anything.  Therefore, as a person you must be self disciplined and also follow personal ethics.

10. Honesty and integrity are qualities that are priceless and cannot be taught.  Wherever you are employed, you will not prosper in the long term without honesty and integrity.  Some of the qualities are truthfulness, accountability, and trustworthiness. To be honest, you need to have the ability to control your feelings and emotions.  Dishonesty once proven, will leave a scar on your personality for life.

11. Another quality fast disappearing is loyalty.  In a complex world people are losing their sense of loyalty, often driven by materialistic needs.  However, to be successful in one’s career learn to be loyal to your organization and self.  Do not let down your organization in public, even after you have left the services.  Please remember that the organization provided your daily requirements, for a period of time.

12. Learning to be a selfless person is a great personal quality.                    Always be prepared to help and care for others, without expecting anything in return.

In this brief article, I have endeavoured to highlight the personal qualities required for career success.  Some of these qualities need to be developed whilst others are already present and need only to be nurtured.

“Some people are born great.

Others achieve greatness”.


“Be the best you can”




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