Training your Ears and Eyes to be Deaf and Blind
It is indeed very sad to witness what many employees discuss early in the morning before they even begin their day’s work. You can decide whether you are going to have a healthy breakfast or a corrupt stale koththu roti as your first food in the morning. Similarly, we must be extra vigilant in choosing what we feed our mind early in the morning, as it could determine how your thought patterns would be created for the rest of the day. Whenever your focus deviates towards others, you will not be able to see yourself, as you become a photographer and you would no longer be the selfie taker. It will be precisely as though a contractor who is living on rent yet, he builds a countless number of homes for others. Also just as a doctor who is very committedly treating his patients while he himself is dying from within with many diseases.
Our fellow countrymen are so concerned in finding the faults and weaknesses of others, blaming the corrupt politicians, murmuring about the facilities we do not have and also grumbling about the struggles that they go through. You will never be able to heal a rash by continuously scratching it. If you want to get over it, you have no other option than giving it the necessary medical treatment. Blaming, murmuring, grumbling and setting an excuse oriented mind set is exactly similar to scratching the rash without giving it the treatment it requires. The moment people begin a political discussion or gossip about another person I deliberately slip away as their words would not become a fertiliser to my life but a poisonous substance. The question that you must ask yourself is, are your ears and eyes opened towards poisonous substances that will penetrate deep into your mind and convert your mind into a corroded and blunt unit that is unable to produce healthy thoughts?
Therefore, be mindful of what you hear and see as they have the power to change your thinking pattern. When your thinking pattern is affected, then your sight about life will acclimatise as per your style of thinking. It is similar to a state where you are inseparable from junk food hence, you will not take any interest on working out on your physical body. Your thoughts are produced by what you see. At the age of thirteen when I exposed myself into pornography for the first time, it never made me think that it would make me a slave of sexual immorality one day. At a very young age, when I began to associate friends from the world down under I never knew that I would be accustomed to a lifestyle of filthy and lying tongues and fighting, stealing and robbing arms. That is why we must keep our ears shut towards things which are unproductive and we should also be blind towards things that tend to make us slaves. Ears and eyes are not meant only to be opened but they are also meant to be shut whenever it is needed. We must train our ears and eyes to close on time whenever we feel that what we see and hear do not contribute to our lives.
It is disheartening to see the number of people who have converted their eyes and ears to act as a garbage buckets by allowing the society to dump filthy and stinky garbage into their eyes and ears in abundance. Your ears and eyes should act as a fertile ground and not a garbage can. It is indeed sad to see how many have transformed them into garbage bins. Recently, I had the privilege of speaking to Rev. Fr. Andradi, The Rector of St. Joseph’s College, Colombo – 10 and he told me that he does not watch the TV as the content it has in it is predominantly trash. I was glad to see a farsighted leader heading a famous school in the country. I shared this with my wife as well and I told her that the lives of the students at SJC are in safe hands. For the last many years as parents even we have not allowed our children to watch the local TV channels as all they retain is about blaming, grumbling, murmuring, unrealistic scenarios and excuse oriented content all of which do not promote self-developmental food, they are purely self-destructive tools. For the media, it is all about creating stories that will go viral even at the cost of someone’s life or character.
Be vigilant in observing what your children hear and see, as it is always better to get rid of something by removing it from the nail rather than waiting until it overgrows that it needs an axe to remove it. Do not feed the monkeys over your wall as one fine day they are sure to jump over the wall and destroy your vegetable crop. A Heart full of Love will only be Good as long as you have a Mind full of Wisdom. Nevertheless, you will be like the good hearted woman who is always pregnant by all the many men. This is why it is essential to train our minds to manage our thoughts and emotions, if not we will act upon everything we see and hear. Study your screen time so that you will be able to evaluate that all you have been doing is permitting the society to dump filthy and stinky garbage into your ears and eyes making them garbage cans that ultimately make you a junk yard. You should avoid becoming a junk yard, become a fertile ground that produces fruits that are productive to you, your children and the society as whole.
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