Redefining the horizons in the music industry, SLT-MOBITEL together with Marians and 360 Productions Group (Pvt) Ltd, launched Sri Lanka’s first 3D music video ‘Tharunai Thaama’, synergizing music, technology, and cutting-edge production in celebration of Marian’s 35th Anniversary. The gala event which took place on 1st of June at PVR cinemas also marked a monumental [...]


Marians launch Sri Lanka’s first 3D music video ‘Tharunai Thaama’


Redefining the horizons in the music industry, SLT-MOBITEL together with Marians and 360 Productions Group (Pvt) Ltd, launched Sri Lanka’s first 3D music video ‘Tharunai Thaama’, synergizing music, technology, and cutting-edge production in celebration of Marian’s 35th Anniversary. The gala event which took place on 1st of June at PVR cinemas also marked a monumental milestone for SLT-MOBITEL as it unveiled ‘mStudio’ Sri Lanka’s first original online music platform along with its first 3D commercial.

The creation of Marians ‘Tharunai Thaama’ depicts the excellence of technology prowess coupled with state-of-the-art VFX music and rendering. This groundbreaking project, which spanned over 3 months has pushed the boundaries of creativity and technical integration, introducing Sri Lanka to a whole new dimension of visual storytelling.

By embracing the wonders of 3D stereoscopic technology, ‘Tharunai Thaama’ provides an immersive 3D viewing experience along with intricate scenes and mind-boggling visual effects in crystal clear 4K resolution.  Audiences can now immerse themselves in music in a way that surpasses traditional norms, where sight and sound converge harmoniously.

As ‘Tharunai Thaama’ music video sets its sights on dazzling audiences across the nation, it is a proud moment for Sri Lanka’s creative community.

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