Do you think it is possible to clear the grounds and move forward at a high pace when your feet are chained? Just as you would stagnate at one horrifying place when your feet are chained together, so will your life be stagnant without any harvest, achievement or joy when your mind is chained with [...]




Do you think it is possible to clear the grounds and move forward at a high pace when your feet are chained? Just as you would stagnate at one horrifying place when your feet are chained together, so will your life be stagnant without any harvest, achievement or joy when your mind is chained with fear. As a young boy I was so afraid of looking into someone’s eyes and speaking as for the fear that had taken control of my mind and buried my confidence.

Well, actually fear is not the seed. Fear is actually the sapling or the second phase. The real seed is actually Inferiority, the underestimation or the lack of self-belief that you have about yourself. Once the seed of Inferiority is nurtured with continuous fertiliser and watering, it will grow into a sapling of fear which will then grow further into a plant of anxiety and finally a gigantic tree of depression. If someone wants to move forward and upward victoriously in life it is mandatory that he or she rearranges their mind grounds by eliminating the seeds of inferiority and planting the seeds of self-confidence. We must understand and realise that it is a process just as if you are trying to learn a language that you have never spoken or spoken less of.

The good news is that cognitive neuroscience which is for reasoning is inbuilt in such a way that any old thought pattern can be transformed into new thought patterns. Our brain can be compared to a computer that it could always be upgraded. A confident mind is a fruitful ground that could produce courageous thought patterns that can shape our thinking which has an impact on our actions. With courageous thought circuits we will have the ability to shove fear and elevate our sight, performance and personality into a whole new level, where there will be an abundance of achievements.

Fear is a devastating weed which grows within our mind overpowering the growth of a confident mind set. Just as though the leader of the stray dogs has authority over the pack, when you are filled with fearful thoughts, it will take control of your other thought circuits. Fear is naturally embedded in human beings. We all including myself will experience fear from time to time. Yet, experiencing it and allowing it to take control over you are two different stages. Once you allow a condition to take control over you then you will not be able to reach your vision as the condition is always against your vision. Even though it may rain on your way you must run the race. Those who tend to stop running when it rains will not be able to reap any harvest in life. Similarly, once you have surrendered yourself to fear and you nurture it continuously by not challenging it, then it turns out to grow until it becomes an anxiety which is a devastating disorder. One in four Australians experience anxiety at some stage in their lives, I believe it is even worse with Sri Lankans having considered the highly challenging socio-economic health standards. The more you fear the more you will hide behind the back doors. Life is a stage where performances take place on the stage thus you cannot hide behind the back stage, meaning to say that you isolate yourself from the world. Fear on the other hand, isolates you from moving forward.

One of the most poisonous fruits that fear bears is that is breeds procrastination. Whenever you are feeling anxious, first and foremost the most comfortable option you will choose is to postpone the activity, responsibility or challenge that you are facing. The only way to reverse the thought circuit of fear is to develop a thought circuit which is against the nature of fear, by constantly challenging the fears and by moving forward regardless of the capacity and competencies it possesses. Fear will always whisper that you do not have what is required to fulfil that particular responsibility. The next thing that Fear would whisper in your mind is that people will reject you or underestimate you if you fail. Fear has a numerous number of sub brands such as fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of losing the comfort of something and the fear of degrading perception. But, unless we realise the truth that failure is the best teacher of growth, we will never grow. Thomas Alva Edison invented the electric bulb because he failed many times and educated himself in many aspects on why it did not work. The great basketball legend Michael Jordan has missed more than 9000 shots in his career, he has lost 300 games and on twenty-six (26) occasions he has failed to perform well when he was completely trusted for taking the game towards a winning shot. All these failures nurtured him to become who he is currently. I have miserably failed as a lover but I was able to learn the reason why girls left, that enabled me to mould myself into a pleasing and loveable personality.

Do not be discouraged if you are attacked from all around you with fearful thoughts. Just as you are the only person who can reduce your physical weight so are you the only person who is able to reverse these fearful thought circuits towards courageous thought circuits. In order to achieve that there should always be a first attempt, then a second, further a third subsequently a fourth attempt, thereafter many other numbers of attempts until you starve the fearful thought circuit. It is not at all an easy task to chase the old devils, but if you continuously starve them they are sure to leave you. Certain thought circuits have set deep roots in our mind set as we have been nurturing and consenting them over a period of time. The requirement right now is to declutter your mind store just as you would clean your office drawer which is full of unnecessary papers, samples, receipts and other garbage. You must understand that you will not be able to shape in to the attractive beautiful body you crave for on the very first day that you go to the gym. Growth is a process just as an infant grows and becomes a matured powerful person. Therefore, fight fear and take control of your mind.

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