Education Minister Susil Premajayantha assured Parliament this week that instructions will be sent out to all Zonal Education offices not to release names and contact details of students who completed their GCE O/L exam. The Minister was responding to a question raised by Member of Parliament Lalith Ellawala. The MP said that various organisations were [...]


GCE O/L student info to remain confidential: Minister


Education Minister Susil Premajayantha assured Parliament this week that instructions will be sent out to all Zonal Education offices not to release names and contact details of students who completed their GCE O/L exam.

The Minister was responding to a question raised by Member of Parliament Lalith Ellawala. The MP said that various organisations were collecting the names and addresses of students in order to attract them to vocational training institutions.

The Minister said that the practice was not acceptable, and the Education Ministry has its own facilities to provide vocational training.

Education Times learns that various tuition classes, too, obtain names and addresses of students to attract them to their classes.

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