In most cases those who are under tremendous stress and depression are those who have just come to realise that they have not been able to cultivate anything in their life’s garden. They are left with nothing but an empty futile plot of land. That emptiness has now begun to control the regrets of their [...]


The Venomous Pickle of Procrastination


In most cases those who are under tremendous stress and depression are those who have just come to realise that they have not been able to cultivate anything in their life’s garden. They are left with nothing but an empty futile plot of land. That emptiness has now begun to control the regrets of their past, leading them to build up a fear of the future. Procrastination is a killer, it destroys the lives of people downright. One of the main reasons people avoid what they ought to do in the present moment is the stronghold they have on their thought patterns about procrastination. It is indeed sad to say that it is an unhealthy and ill mental state. I had it within me big time. Yet, the good news is that I have been able to get over it and I am certain you can do the same too. People tend to consider laziness as the cause for procrastination, but it is only a minute ingredient. Procrastination is a venomous pickle that is made up by a combination of poisonous ingredients.

First and foremost, it is the ill self-confidence and fear of failure that pushes us to delay what must be done. We have made it a habit to breath upon other’s acceptance rather than self-appreciation. Undoubtedly human beings crave for attention and a sense of worthiness. The issue arises when you become addicted towards external appreciation and you are driven by the external validations and applauds. The most beautiful state we can be is to live upon self-appreciation where we decide to be happy based on the appreciative voice we hear from our conscious. There is no guarantee or assurance on constant external motivation as everybody is dealing with their own issues on their plates. You cannot expect others to appreciate you whilst they are struggling in life. On the other hand, there are the wicked people who would purposefully attempt to push you down by depreciating you. People are always happy as long as we are below them in our achievements. You need to make a decision to reverse this negative thought pattern and move forward based on the intrinsic motivation that comes from within you.

Another venomous ingredient of the procrastination pickle is your negative self-talk, where all you tell yourself is about your inabilities, weaknesses, errors and historical failures that only push you towards a very powerful negative thought pattern known as self-condemnation. The first person one should accept should be thyself, if you reject yourself, you will constantly procrastinate things because you have no trust on yourself and you strongly believe that you are a failure. You must reverse this negative self-conversation pattern by replacing it with encouraging words. This transformation will not take place overnight but it is sure to take place with your unwavering commitment.

Perfectionism is another venomous ingredient in the pickle of procrastination. I had this syndrome that prevented me from attempting things. I was an attention seeker who lived in a crazy egoistic platform and always wanted to see myself above others. Down the line I found out that there is no state known as perfectionism and that it is merely a fantasy on the unrealistic realm. Nobody is perfect. The only way to steer forward is by continuous improvement based on continuous errors. The errors I made, moulded me into who I am now. Mistakes become the best teacher ever for self-development and growth. Hence, get over the hallucinated state of perfectionism which is far up in the clouds. There is no perfect boss nor perfect mom nor perfect dad nor perfect husband or perfect wife. Every human being is prone to make errors. Can you ever expect a man with errors to write a book called “Errorless Life”? Similarly, can man live a perfect life when he himself is prone to make errors by default?

Lack of passion is yet another ingredient of the venomous pickle of procrastination which pushes people to postpone activities. I meet many people who say that they do not have a purpose in life so they do not feel inspired to wake up in the morning. You are similar to a person who gets into a bus not knowing the final destination of the bus. You just get off at any random stop and hop into another bus without knowing where that goes as well. This happens when you do not know where you want to go. You need to know where you want to go, it is only then that you can define the route to get there. That is the reason we all must have a purpose in life and a vision to live. Unless we will be like the stray dogs who just live for the sake of living. Passion is what creates hunger for success. Passion will motivate you to challenge the fears and keep attempting instead of procrastinating.

Another reason why people procrastinate is their lack of focus. Many people have wavering thoughts. This happens when you do not have a vision in life thus your thoughts would travel everywhere you think looks beautiful and pleasurable due to not having a firm long term vision. You become indecisive in prioritising as you do not know what is important and what is not. This country is in this mess as many fathers are at the bars whilst their children are suffering at home. Lack of prioritisation has led many to delay their actions. The reason that many do not have financial freedom is because they have not planned and prioritised what they should do in life. There are people who go out every week when they do not even have a house of their own. People are so interested in spending money on maintaining a fake lifestyle as they are not satisfied with their reality. They purchase a car with great difficulty just to show the world while their life at home is miserable and they have no money to invest on their essential needs.

That is why I mentioned before that procrastination is not merely the outcome of laziness, it is the result of an unhealthy ill mental condition which I would address as a venomous pickle made out of many negative ingredients.

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