In recognistion to his outstanding contribution through from 1957 to 1991, the Mercantile Table Tennis Association of Sri Lanka (MTTA) presented a memento honouring Eric Motha, who’s tireless efforts helped shape the organisation to what it is today. The token of appreciation was presented to Motha, a founder member of MTTA by Chanaka Perera, the [...]


MTTA honours Motha


In recognistion to his outstanding contribution through from 1957 to 1991, the Mercantile Table Tennis Association of Sri Lanka (MTTA) presented a memento honouring Eric Motha, who’s tireless efforts helped shape the organisation to what it is today. The token of appreciation was presented to Motha, a founder member of MTTA by Chanaka Perera, the President of MTTA in the presence of R. Jabir and Rajiva Wijetunge, former Presidents of MTTA.


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