Sometime ago I witnessed our former cricket captain Arjuna Ranatunga batting with one hand due to a severe damage he had to face on one of his fingers on the other hand. He was well aware that he was the leader and that he cannot cast down at the pain of a thundering storm that [...]


Life Storms – Pain Halts and Success Bus


Sometime ago I witnessed our former cricket captain Arjuna Ranatunga batting with one hand due to a severe damage he had to face on one of his fingers on the other hand. He was well aware that he was the leader and that he cannot cast down at the pain of a thundering storm that struck one of his fingers in the form of a fast ball. Instead of getting down at the pain halt, he decided that he would go forward to his destination by enduring the pain but overcoming it with his passion and determination to win the match. We all have three options before severe pain points in life. First, to seek a temporary pain killer. Second, to completely give up and get off at the halt without completing the journey. Finally, to override the pain and reach the end of the journey successfully. Those who are leading extremely successful lives never sought temporary pain killers as they are not at all an ultimate solution nor did they completely give up and get off at pain halts. They continually thrived hard on their vision and purpose in life, thereby they concluded their journeys victoriously.  

During the first chapter of my life, I have got off at many pain halts prior to reaching the estimated point of departure, because I had not trained myself to move forward amidst pain. The default mode of my mind was to get down at the pain halt. I had trained my mind to constantly seek a life pain killer, temporary pleasure or some sort of comfort as moving forward amidst the pain was alien to me. If you were to walk 9km a day, first you must train your feet to walk 1km. Mind training is similar to this. Many of us give up because walking 9km is too tiresome for our minds to absorb. I was purposeless in life, therefore I got down at many halts assuming that life would be beautiful at those points. Yet, every time I got down at pain halts, I did not realise that I was completely killing the seed of Focus and the plant of Purpose in me.

This is the very reason why I now get my son Joshua to complete his responsibilities amidst thundering storms, the scorching heat and general ailments such as cough and stomach ache which are not contagious, as I want him to move forward amidst pain as life will always have pain in it. I have explained to him that we should train our minds to move forward rather than getting down at pain halts. By nature, human minds always seek the shorter route and it would also invite us to step down at pain points, as the quick fix is always comfortable than battling the pain.

Your mouth will hum the music that you listened to the most, similarly your mind will act upon the directions that it had been fed the most. This is why I always advise everybody to be careful and aware of what you are feeding your mind. I have seen employees request for a half day leave so that they could go home and sleep, as they are not strong enough to face the severe job pressure that they are confronted with. It is indeed unfortunate to see that they do not realise that they are actually training their minds to get down at pain halts the moment a job storm hit them hard. That is why training your mind muscle is mandatory.

So many are interested in developing the muscles in their body but they pays less importance to building their mind muscles. At a certain point in my life almost all of the senior staff were against me as my efficient working style, work ethics and the discipline was challenging their comfort zone. They tried harassing me, placing stumbling blocks, bad wrapping my character by using my filthy past assuming that I would give up and get down at those unbearable and painful points. Instead, I continued moving forward with my efficient work style, policies and discipline making the entire opposition to surrender in front of one man. I have single handedly transformed the working style of many companies. In my life I have victoriously fought many battles that I was on my own on one side and the rest of the crowd gathered to the other side.

That is why I urge you to cultivate an unwavering attitude in your child’s mind set rather than encouraging them to cultivate an attitude of giving up. What differentiates winners from losers is not their academic qualification but their Grit. The most powerful ingredient we ought to have in our lives is Grit. I am a Performing CEO, Life Coach, Responsible Father and a Loving Husband. It is possible to perform well in all the roles that have been assigned to you in life, as long as you are focused and insanely passionate in what is expected from you. There are Fridays that I start my day as early as 5:00am and I return home late at around 9:30pm. Then, straightaway I change my clothes and head to Moratuwa to pick my son Joshua who is attending choir practices at the church. I do it while singing and not while grumbling. I greet my son Joshua with great energy as he gets in to the jeep, even though I have had a long day of sixteen hours of work without a single meal from morning, as I usually fast on Fridays.

You have to challenge the challenges instead of allowing the challenges to influence you to drop out at pain halts. Roaring lions are tamed by lion tamers. You must yearn and be hungry for completion. There is an adult down our street who runs away every time he sees one particular stray dog whereas others do not have any issue of passing by that dog. The reason for this incident is that he has already accepted defeat and he has conveyed this message to the stray dog. Are you similar to that person who is constantly getting down at the pain halts or are you a courageous person training yourself to escalate towards the final destination even amidst many pressures and pains in life.


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