The embassy of Turkiye marked the seventh anniversary of the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, on Friday at the residence of Turkish Ambassador R. Demet Sekercioglu in Colombo. Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Sekercioglu recalled the cooperation between Sri Lankan and Turkiye in combating the menace of terrorism. Excerpts from her speech: Today, we [...]

Sunday Times 2

Turkiye decries FETO terrorism as it marks seventh anniversary of failed coup attempt


The embassy of Turkiye marked the seventh anniversary of the failed coup attempt on July 15, 2016, on Friday at the residence of Turkish Ambassador R. Demet Sekercioglu in Colombo.

Addressing the gathering, Ambassador Sekercioglu recalled the cooperation between Sri Lankan and Turkiye in combating the menace of terrorism. Excerpts from her speech:

Today, we stand together to commemorate the seventh anniversary of the failed coup attempt that took place on 15th July 2016. Surely, it is a date forever etched in our hearts as Democracy and National Unity Day.

I believe that 15th July should not just be remembered as a day of a thwarted coup attempt, but rather a victory day where citizens emerged victorious from a war between traitors and patriots.

On that night, the brave citizens of Türkiye gave a very powerful message to the world that the power to shape a nation’s destiny lies not in the barrel of a gun, but in the hand that casts the ballot. This powerful message of democratic will and the unwavering commitment of our citizens stand as a beacon of hope, not just for us, but for all nations striving to uphold the values of democracy and unity.

Seven years have passed since Türkiye faced this most violent and treacherous attack which claimed the lives of 251 innocent souls and left thousands wounded. The tragic events that unfolded on July 15th were not merely acts of terror; they were a blatant affront to the founding principles that define the Republic of Türkiye and its people — the principles of democracy, freedom, and the rule of law.

The malicious acts we witnessed on 15th July were not the results of an overnight attempt. They were the climax of many years of meticulous planning and covert operations by the Fetullah Terrorist Organization (FETO) led by Fetullah Gülen, with the primary aim to destroy the democratic foundation of the Republic.

The history of FETO goes back to the 1970s. As a seemingly charitable organisation, FETO initially started its operations by establishing schools in Türkiye and later all around the world. They disguised themselves as a benign educational movement, but in reality, they were brainwashing young minds and creating a legion of radical followers who executed their instructions without hesitation and violated all legal and moral norms.

Followers of FETO conspired against those who became an obstacle to their ultimate objective, that is to gain control over Türkiye and establish a new state under the absolute rule of Fetullah Gülen, whom they consider as the “Imam of the Universe”.

However, on the fateful night of July 15th, Türkiye stood united. Citizens who valued democracy dearer than life itself stood against those who sought to tear down the very values upon which our beloved country was founded. The brave men and women of this great nation faced this horrific threat with unwavering courage and determination, demonstrating to the world that we, the people of Türkiye, do not recognise any power over our will. The footages that you see of citizens standing in the way of raging armored tanks are true testaments showing the extent to which, they were ready to sacrifice their own lives to protect their motherland.

Since that dreadful day, Türkiye’s fight against FETO has been unwavering, just as it has been against other terrorist organisations. Combating these elements of terror has been one of our main priorities both within and outside of Türkiye.

While persisting in its diplomatic efforts to extradite Fetullah Gulen and other FETO members who sought refuge abroad, Türkiye continues to engage with the rest of the world creating awareness to prevent the reoccurrence of similar catastrophes.

Indeed, terrorism, as we understand it, continues to evolve globally, adopting new methodologies and exploiting different avenues to inflict damage and destabilise countries.

We are pleased to note that Türkiye and Sri Lanka, which have been at the forefront of the fight against terrorism, have also succeeded in eliminating FETÖ elements from Sri Lanka thanks to their joint efforts. Türkiye continues to engage with the Sri Lankan authorities with enhanced intelligence sharing in order to build a strong, vigilant, and comprehensive response to this global menace.

As I bring my remarks to a close, let us not forget the essence of today’s commemoration, Democracy and National Unity. Let us also find inspiration in the Turkish experience and reaffirm our commitment to uphold democracy, protect national unity, and forge a prosperous future for all. Let us remember that it is in unity, democracy, and the resolute human spirit that we will find our strength.


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