Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSC (IT)) and Bachelor of Science Honours in Information Technology (BScHons(IT)) are Information Technology (IT) degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka. Both programmes aim to produce IT graduates to collaborate in realising the national and international demands for IT professionals. [...]


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and Bachelor of Science Honours in Information Technology Introduction to the Programmes


Bachelor of Science in Information Technology (BSC (IT)) and Bachelor of Science Honours in Information Technology (BScHons(IT)) are Information Technology (IT) degree programmes offered by the Faculty of Natural Sciences, The Open University of Sri Lanka. Both programmes aim to produce IT graduates to collaborate in realising the national and international demands for IT professionals. These degree programmes are offered in cooperation with SLASSCOM.

The degree programmes are developed according to “Information Technology Curricula 2017,” which was reported by the Association for Computing and Machinery (ACM) & IEEE Computer Society and University Grant commission guidelines included in “Commission Circular No. 08/2018: Classification of Computing Degrees to Align with International Standards.” The degree programmes aim to produce competent IT professionals with enhanced knowledge, outstanding skills, and a productive attitude to the country and the world. Every organisation and society currently depend on IT computer systems that work effectively, efficiently, and securely. The assistance of IT professionals who can understand computer systems and their software is significant to the sustainability and growth of every field. The knowledge service industry workforce related to IT is increasing with the requirements of the state bodies and non-state organizations. IT is the fastest growing industry, expected to grow employment by 11%-15% globally this decade. The growth is much faster than the average for all types of employment. Adding to this, the median annual wage in the IT industry is higher than the median annual wage for all occupations.

The IT degree programmes were designed to cater to this higher demand and facilitate students to gain the advantages of the IT field. Results of a stakeholder survey conducted by the Department of Computer Science and National Surveys related to IT education requirements were used to assess the demand for IT degree programmes. The survey revealed strong interest in the IT degree programme with greater flexibility among prospective students and a significant demand for qualified individuals in the industry, as indicated by employers. While there is a higher demand for IT, the survey indicated a higher interest in Computer Science, Information Systems, Cybersecurity, Data Science, and Networking degree programmes. These degree programmes will be offered to improve IT-related education in Sri Lanka for secondary education students and the professional development of those working in the industry. The IT degree programmes aim is to assist local and global IT sectors in a sustainable and monetarily flexible approach and keep the focus on the individuals in terms of their achievements and career advancements as IT graduates. The degrees provide a strong IT foundation with industry-focused education and research experience. The graduates of IT degree programmes will have extended skills, knowledge, and practice in the IT field to abide by academic and professional responsibilities.

The graduates will be able to:

Develop into a skilled practitioner and develop problem-solving capabilities.

Demonstrate the capability in applying the system integration, development, and operation and deploying and managing IT services and platforms required for the business goals and objectives of a particular organization concerning the budget.

Communicate collaboratively and professionally within the organisation and with the public.

Update themselves with cutting-edge technology to work effectively and meet user needs in various settings.

Adhere to engage with duties ethically as they are familiar with the various laws and regulations that govern the development and operations of the IT platforms.

Concern about properly securing IT networks, applications, data centres, and online services.

Become an applied researcher and investigator to find solutions and integrate new technologies in the workplace and community.

Contribute to the development of the community by implementing a wide range of IT solutions for community members’ projects and activities using secure technology solutions.

Grow into a good citizen with sensitivity to every perspective.

The programme aims to prepare graduates to achieve professional and career accomplishments in sustainable energy as identified in the following Programme Educational Objectives.

Theoretical Knowledge: Establish the fundamental and specialised knowledge in Information Technology for critically analyzing problems, designing, and proposing solutions.

Practical Knowledge and Application: Analyse complex, real-world problems to identify and define computing requirements and apply computational approaches to problemsolving.

Communication: Communicate the technical information consistent with the intended audience and purpose effectively with diverse audiences.

Teamwork and Leadership: Exhibit independent and collaborative responsibility to function effectively as an individual and in teams and enhance situational leadership and team player capability in the working environment.

Creativity and Problem-Solving: Design, implement, and evaluate a computing-based solution to meet a given set of computing requirements in the context of the IT discipline.

Managerial and Entrepreneurship: Function effectively on teams and employ self- and peer-advocacy to address bias in interactions, establish goals, plan tasks, meet deadlines, manage risk, and produce deliverables.

Information Usage and Management: Identify and analyse user needs and consider them during computer-based system selection, integration, and administration.

Networking and Social Skills: Exhibit adequate soft skills in social engagement and ability to cooperate with society improving positive connections, social responsibility, and ethics.

Adaptability and Flexibility: Regulatory responses to academic novelty, uncertainty, and change that enhance the learning process, integrate new information technologies, and conclude to develop personalisation.

Attitudes, Values, and Professionalism: Make informed judgments and include unique perspectives of others in computing practice based on legal and ethical principles.

Vision for Life: Develop the capability to identify self-capacity and visualise future goals to plan growth with continuous self-direction focusing on long-term goals.

Updating Self: Advance self-learning in adapting to changing technologies, processes, and standards while contributing to the workplace by engaging in independent and lifelong learning in the broad context of technological change.  These IT degrees are offered essential IT courses, including Networking, Artificial Intelligence, Computer and Information Security, Software Engineering, etc., which help a graduate to start their career as an IT professional in any field or continue further studies as a researcher. Hence an IT degree graduate will be able to persuade any IT-related positions in local organizations and possible foreign opportunities. Also, the IT students will be guided to gather industry experience in the third year of their degree programme with support from the IT sector, including SLASSCOM. The Honours degree would require conducting a research project addressing current trends and new knowledge in the IT field.

After graduating, they will be employed in different areas of the IT industry, including Software Engineering, Technology Management, IT Sales and Marketing, Cloud Computing, IT Risk Management, IT Architecture & Design, Cyber Security, Auditing and IT Compliance, DevOps Engineering, Project / Programme Management, Business Intelligence & Data Analytics, Programming & Application Development, Networking & Telecommunications, IT Help Desk & Technical Support and also as entrepreneurs.

Programme Delivery

The Open University of Sri Lanka (OUSL) is the only state university that fully practices the open and distance learning (ODL) approach. OUSL provides higher education opportunities across the country with the assistance of the Regional Education Services (RES). The University consists of six faculties and one postgraduate institute. The Faculty of Natural Sciences (FNSc) is one of the pioneer faculties in the OUSL among other six faculties: Faculty of Engineering Technology, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Faculty of Education, Faculty of Health Sciences, and Faculty of Management Studies with a renowned record in education and research studies by delivering a variety of programmes starting with foundation courses, certificate courses and diplomas to postgraduate degrees. Furthermore, the FNSc has been delivering computing education since the late 1980s and started to offer Computer Science as a subject in 1996 to the BSc degree programme.

The delivery model and the infrastructure of the OUSL are different from other state universities. The OUSL operates all around the island with nine (9) Regional Centres and eighteen (18) Study Centres which the RES manages. The RES provides study facilities and shared facilities in all the centres to deliver the programmes by all academic departments in each faculty.

The Department of Computer Science deliver the IT degrees, and the Department of Mathematics will assist with mathematical subject. Students who are not from the physical science stream will be offered an introductory Mathematics course with an English and communication skills courses before the academic activity commencement. During this period, the students will be guided through the Future Carrier Bridge programme the SLASSCOM offers to improve their technical skills and introduce them to the local IT industry. For the BSc (IT) degree, the minimum period to complete the degree is three years; for the BSc Hons (IT), the minimum duration would be four years.

A hybrid delivery model will be followed in IT degree programmes where the lectures are primarily conducted as day schools online and onsite, and the practical test and examinations will be conducted at regional centres attached to the OUSL. The students will be given printed course material as they register for courses. Online platforms, recordings, and other online educational resources (OERs) will be used to enhance students’ knowledge.

Students are required to complete industrial internship at the final year of the BSc (IT) degree programme to gather experience by working closely with industry experts. There is a compulsory research study to be carried out for the degree at Year 4 of the BSc Hons (IT) degree programme which will help in developing subject specific and interpersonal skills.

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