How to become a teacher? One can become a government school teacher by joining National Colleges of Education. It’s a three year, residential, pre–service, professional course in Teacher Education. After completing a degree also, can become a teacher. But to be a qualified, competent teacher, it is a must to follow a Post Graduate Diploma [...]


Quality Teacher and Teacher Requirements


How to become a teacher?

One can become a government school teacher by joining National Colleges of Education. It’s a three year, residential, pre–service,
professional course in Teacher Education.

After completing a degree also, can become a teacher. But to be a qualified, competent teacher, it is a must to follow a Post Graduate Diploma in Education.

How to become a quality teacher?

Quality teacher means the teacher who is committed to students and their learning.

Seven important points to be a quality teacher.

  • Be positive
  • Be clear
  • Be flexible
  • Be patient
  • Be innovative
  • Be approachable
  • Be a motivator

Efficient teacher always practises above 7 “Be factors” and tries to maintain the quality of teaching in order to achieve the stand of learning.

Five main qualities of the quality teacher.

  • Patience and compassion
  • Energy and enthusiasm
  • Excellent communication
  • Excellent subject knowledge
  • Dedication

Here the dedication plays a vital role in teaching – learning process.

Dedication – committing yourself for something

As a teacher, you should have a commitment directly for teaching. In present society, there is a big argument regarding the dedication of the teacher.

Only a few teachers are working with the courage and dedication. Most of the teachers haven’t the commitment at least to serve only 2,3 years in the recruited school. Teacher is placed to a school based on the vacancies available in the relevant subject. But, majority of them are not ready to serve   in that particular school.

They all are willing to get a transfer to a school which is very closer to their residence. But it is so hard, because finding a suitable subject teacher as the replacement is not an easy task.

They never think about the students who are in remote schools. They are the students who suffer with the problem of deficit of teachers. It is obvious that they get their teaching appointment, because of that particular vacancy available in the school.  Till they get the appointment they are okay with the prevailing vacancies in all over the Island. But just after assuming duties, they start struggling, to get
the transfer to the most
nearby school.

It’s true, as human beings, there’s a natural tendency to work in more preferable place. But the tragedy is no one to look after the poor students especially in rural areas.

So, in National Colleges of Education and also in Orientation of Teacher Training programmes, special attention should be given to develop the young, novel teachers’ attitudes regarding this noble profession. As a teacher, dedication is the most important quality that should be inculcated.

It is important to emphasise that Teaching is not just a job. It is considered as a great service. So as teachers they should be trained to work with courage and dedication in order to see the success of future generation.

There is a good old saying “If you look after the students in your custody, your own children will be looked after by the God”. This type of sayings proves the value and the power of the dedication of
the teachers.

Today we talk to prepare students who are suitable for the fast-changing global knowledge economy. As a nation we should try to prepare the students to fit to the education in the 21st century. But this type of best policies cannot be succeeded without quality teachers especially with dedication. The lack of skilled personnel to implement those concepts is
the main issue in the
education system.

Therefore, to march forward with rapidly improving nations, the first step that we should do is preparing high-performing teaching workforce with the highest qualities to be served in the teaching – learning process in Sri Lanka.


B.G.I. Kalani Hemalie

Director of Education (SLEAS1)

National Colleges of Education Branch

Ministry of Education

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