We live in a vicious society, where the people will butter you with praiseworthy comments to your face and contrastingly they would have their swords ready within their hearts with plans on completely destroying you to the core or at least wishing that you would fail and your life would become miserable. The worst mistake [...]


Butter in the mouth and a sword in the heart


We live in a vicious society, where the people will butter you with praiseworthy comments to your face and contrastingly they would have their swords ready within their hearts with plans on completely destroying you to the core or at least wishing that you would fail and your life would become miserable. The worst mistake we make in life is believing that everybody we meet are good and beautiful souls. At times we seem so immature that we do not understand the reality that the jungle has a countless number of harmful, dangerous, life threatening venomous snakes just as the harmless rabbits in the forest. When our realisation on the battle field is incorrect, it is natural that we fail and become miserable during life’s battles. I hear numerous stories from people stating that they were cheated, back stabbed and mischaracterised and that they never had any clue that certain people would deploy such wicked schemes against them. At times it is not our enemies who desire our downfall but those whom we consider as near and dear to us.       

There are times I encounter thoughts that provoke bitterness, anger and jealousy, it is all a part of human nature and I am certain none of us are alien to these thoughts. Just as laughter and tears are embedded in our system so is good and bad stored in us. Why do you think a one year old boy would scream and yell the moment someone attempts to take his toy? When my daughter Esther was small, she used to cry whenever another little child comes anywhere closer to my wife expecting to be loved by her. Right from birth we carry jealousy, anger and many other peace stealing thoughts that are embedded in our nature. Unless, a little child of 6 months cannot acquire a jealousy as such without being taught by anyone. The reality is that sometimes we all become bitter, angry, and jealous, they are a part of our nature.

Life becomes peaceful and joyful once we understand ourselves rather than trying to present a fake personality. Pretending is always a heavy burden. We must realise who we are and work towards changing ourselves into a better person. To be honest, there are times I have pierced the heart of my innocent wife, with heart breaking words even when she was not at fault but due to my ego to pretend and protect my appearance of “I am always right”.  This is an egoistic nature and not a self-surrendering nature. Ego, Anger, Jealousy and Bitterness become a part of us the very moment we are conceived, where the two productive cells of the father and mother meet each other. Even during the earliest stages in our mother’s womb good and bad both exist. The thoughts of the mother and father are automatically transferred to us through what is known as the DNA. By birth we are prone to errors. By birth we are prone to fail. Yet, the good news is that just as you could reconstruct an old house you inherited from your parents, so can you change the behaviour you inherited. Since I was a child, I had an angry nature, now I have mastered over the angry thoughts that arise in me. I possessed sexual immoral thoughts since the early stages of my childhood, yet today my marriage bed has been clean for the last sixteen years.

Your heart is the store of the raw material and your feelings are the raw materials. Your conscious mind is the production facility and your subconscious mind is the end product store. Whatever you store in your heart is what your mind would take in to process and produce thoughts which ultimately lead to actions. The end product known as perception is produced out of what is stored in your heart. Even though nobody is aware of where the mind is exactly located, it is evident that our mind and heart are intimately connected to each other. That is the reason why a heart check is needed every now and then. Twenty years ago I realised that even though I preserved words that tasted like butter in my mouth, my heart had many destructive swords in it. This was evident through my actions. I had no empathy towards others feelings. The moment I realised about me, I began reconstructing myself. Reconstruction is no joke nor an easy process as the previous Philip was completely against the person the new Philip intended to be. As per the previous Philip treating wounds was a really painful process. The treatment cannot be given without a diagnosis. That is why I always say that self-actualisation is the key to a fine product.

On the other hand certain thoughts that you assume have been completely erased, will not be deleted permanently, it remains in your deep subconscious mind. This is the reason that you sometimes tend to see terrifying dreams about certain things that took place in your life long time ago and this is the reason we must detoxify and clean our hearts, unless it will attracts the thoughts of your previous nature. This life journey will become a mess if self-realisation does not take place on a daily basis. The reason many people are suffering in life is because their focus is outwardly, whereas it ought to be inwardly. This country is breathing in a “Blaming Culture” and that is why we tend to dive deep in to our problems when we can swim to the next shore that has the solution. Every problem has a solution as long as you are a solution seeker and not a problem diver. In order for the solutions to be sought, first you need to make sure that your heart is cleansed and is stored with mind material that seek solutions such as love, concern, appreciation, gratitude, empathy, forgiveness and patience instead of storing poisonous ingredients such as selfishness, wickedness, anger, hatred, jealousy, bitterness, prejudice and mischaracterising. Remember once again that what is produced is based on what is stored. That is why what you store in your heart plays a crucial role in deciding the level of happiness in your life.

For Comments, Corporate Training, Personal Coaching and Business Consultation – 0774 88 5656 /
e-mail: philipnehri.m@gmail.com /


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