This brief article addresses individuals who are facing interviews for the first time, as well as those who have had prior experience. In general, job interviews can be quite a challenging and anxious process. However, this should not be the case. Job interviews are great opportunities in life, to fulfill one’s potential and obtain self-satisfaction. [...]




This brief article addresses individuals who are facing interviews for the first time, as well as those who have had prior experience.

In general, job interviews can be quite a challenging and anxious process. However, this should not be the case. Job interviews are great opportunities in life, to fulfill one’s potential and obtain self-satisfaction.

Let us know address the critical aspects in facing a job interview successfully.

1.  Do your homework thoroughly before an interview. Study your prospective employer’s organization profile and demonstrate your familiarity at the interview.  Never indicate to your prospective employer that you are not prepared. This also indicates a lack of interest.

2.  Be punctual and arrive at the venue 30 minutes before the scheduled time. This will provide you time to settle your nerves, freshen up and gather your thoughts. Do your homework on the location in advance, so that you do not waste valuable time searching for the location.

3.  Once you have confirmed, it is imperative that you turn up at the interview. Not turning up indicates a total lack of professionalism and etiquette. This can be damaging to your career in the long run.

4.  Always carry an updated CV, along with the originals of your certificates and testimonials. Do not submit these documents to the interview panel, unless requested.

5.  In almost all interviews, you will be asked about your salary expectations. Be prepared with the specific figure, along with your justification. Be realistic in your estimated salary. For example, do not ask for double your salary, because it is not realistic and you will not be able to justify.

6.  It is better not to talk about “Take home salary”. The essential aspect is the gross salary plus other benefits. “Take home salary is not relevant to the employer. It is the employee’s responsibility to pay taxes etc. (Which will be deducted by the employer).

7.  In most interviews you will be asked the question “How soon can you join us? This is a catch-22 question. Never show that you want to join in a rush, although this may be the case. Demonstrate that you are responsible by stating that you need to give adequate notice to your present employer. This will create a favourable “vibe” in the mind of the prospective employer.

8.  Proper grooming is essential to create a powerful first impression. Do not overdress, but ensure clean attire, polished shoes, well-trimmed beard (for men), neatly combed hair etc. Women should not overdo makeup and accessories.

9.  In most interviews, a frequently asked question is “What are your strengths and weaknesses?” Many candidates are quick to provide a long list of strengths, but struggle to state their weaknesses. The ability to state one’s weaknesses, demonstrates your genuineness and understanding of yourself. Hence, state your major weaknesses without fear or shame.

10. In many interviews candidates are asked to introduce themselves. Hence preparing in advance for this question is desirable, since it is a “break-the-ice” tactic adopted. You should be able to introduce yourself in a matter of approximately 3 minutes.

11.          Another point worth remembering is that you are called for an interview because the prospective employer is interested to talk to you. They need you as much as you need them (Employment). Hence, there is no reason to fear facing an interview and you should consider it an opportunity, to test your skills and talent.

12.          In interviews a smart question asked is “What will you contribute to our organization, if we hire you?” You need to be well prepared to answer this question. Basically, what they are asking you is “Why should we hire you?” You should clearly highlight your experience, skills and qualifications and how these aspects will make you the “ideal person to hire”. (Read the job vacancy advert carefully in advance, since this will help you in answering this question).

13.          Never leave an interview without knowing what the next steps would be. It is perfectly acceptable to find out from the interview panel what to expect next, if they do not explicitly state it.

14.          In many interviews there is a panel that conducts the interview. Generally, the panel is introduced and if this is the case please pay careful attention to their names/designations. If the panel is not introduced, you should kindly request an introduction. (After all you should know who you are speaking to!)

In this brief article, I have outlined a few important pointers in facing a job interview successfully. Do not be afraid to test your skills and improve them. Avoid being nervous and uneasy. This creates a negative impression. Preparing for an interview is essential as stated earlier.

“It is a good practice to face a job interview, even if you do not

need to change your current job.

The experience matters and is



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