Senior Professor Pathmalal M Manage has been appointed Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura under the directive of President Ranil Wickremesinghe. Prof Manage graduated with first-class honors from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in 1992, has an MSc from the Department of Life Conservation Science in 1998, and completed his PhD at Japan’s [...]


Professor Pathmalal M Manage appointed VC of J’pura Uni


Senior Professor Pathmalal M Manage has been appointed Vice Chancellor of the University of Sri Jayewardenepura under the directive of President Ranil Wickremesinghe.

Prof Manage graduated with first-class honors from the University of Sri Jayewardenepura in 1992, has an MSc from the Department of Life Conservation Science in 1998, and completed his PhD at Japan’s Ehime University in 2001, specialising in Microbial Ecology and Eco-toxicology.

He currently serves as a Senior Professor of Zoology (Chair), the Dean of Faculty of Graduate Studies, Co-Chair – Research Council, and as the Director of the Centre for Water Quality and Algae Research.

Prof Manage’s professional background includes eco-toxicology, water quality, bioremediation, and cyanotoxin research. His ground-breaking efforts have received global acclaim, resulting in numerous citations and world-first records in the scientific community.

He has also offered his services in a variety of fields, including University Coordinator for the Sri Lanka Biology Olympiad Competition, Treasurer of the Institute of Biology, and Chief Examiner for GCE Advanced Level (A/L) Biology, National Consultant and Algae and Toxin Expert for Eastern Province water supply development projects, and is acting as a Team Leader in preparing a strategic plan for the lower Kelani river basin. His numerous contributions demonstrate his passion and competence in biology, water quality, and environmental management.

Professor Manage has 82 indexed journal papers in SCI and Scopus, 29 peer-reviewed journal publications, 343 national and international abstract publications, 6 textbooks, 7 book chapters, and 3 laboratory and field manuals. His substantial corpus of work demonstrates his commitment to expanding knowledge in his subject and contributing to academics through different modes of publication.

He is an old boy of Anuruddha Kumara National School, Nawalapitiya and St Sylvester’s College Kandy.

Professor Manage assumed duties on Friday (28) at the Vice Chancellor’s office.


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