SLIM, being the national body for marketing, has been grooming aspiring marketers for decades  to become leading marketing professionals in the country and beyond. Being the coaching institute in Sri Lanka for Certified Professional Marketer (CPM Asia) qualification, SLIM grooms Sri Lankan marketers to obtain CPM (Asia) status, which is conferred by the Asia Marketing [...]


SLIM confers the best Marketing Status Qualification offered in Asia


SLIM, being the national body for marketing, has been grooming aspiring marketers for decades  to become leading marketing professionals in the country and beyond.

Being the coaching institute in Sri Lanka for Certified Professional Marketer (CPM Asia) qualification, SLIM grooms Sri Lankan marketers to obtain CPM (Asia) status, which is conferred by the Asia Marketing Federation (AMF) and administered by the Marketing Institute of Singapore (MIS). The AMF, which consists of 17 Asian countries, elevates the status of marketing professionals in the region, with the vision to making them global players.

CPM (Asia) is the formal endorsement of professional status for marketing professionals who have already attained a competent academic level and practical understanding of Marketing in the Asian region. Masters of Business Administration (General) or a Marketing Qualification (SLIM PGDIP/CIM/MSc or Marketing Degree) with exceptional results, and marketing practitioners can enrol for the CPM Asia qualification.

CPM bestows knowledge on participants on the impact of the technological, political-legal, and socio-cultural environment on the business practices of firms in the Asian market. Hence it is the 21st century’s preferred postgraduate professional status. Successful candidates who are CPM (Asia) society members have the privilege to network with one another.  Thus, they are exposed to gaining comprehensive knowledge and understanding of the economic and marketing requirements of the region.

Aspiring marketers in Sri Lanka could also consider this professional qualification as a feat supporting their quest to climb the corporate ladder. As the exclusive coaching institute for CPM Asia qualification in Sri Lanka, SLIM will responsibly guide them to achieve CPM status.

“CPM education is only conducted by SLIM in Sri Lanka and is a status-driven qualification. This qualification announces your professional competency, the achievement of a high standard of experience, knowledge, and conduct, to your employer, clients, customers and your peers in the marketing profession in Asia”, said SLIM President Chinthaka Perera.

“Persons with CPM (Asia) Status having endeavoured to drive the growth of their respective companies and becoming influential marketers in the region is a testament”, he added.

SLIM Vice President of Education Prof Jayantha N Dewasiri, emphasising the educational aspects of SLIM’s academic performance and enhancing the student experience, said, “Mentoring prowess of SLIM is world-class, and the corporate sector and the marketing fraternity endorse it. Our resource personnel guarantee quality delivery. Hence potential candidates can rest assured that they are conferred with the required knowledge to acquire CPM (Asia) qualification. Apart from becoming innovative marketers, they may also become ambassadors of SLIM in the coming years.”

We live in an environment that operates as a force that decides the momentum of the world’s economy in the 21st century, and CPM prepares marketers to cater to this need. It offers a thorough knowledge of how the Asian economy is driven, adds value to professionalism, and imparts international flavour in marketing to participants.

Today the fraternity has grown exponentially; thus, networking has become necessary for marketers to widen their knowledge. They can impart the essence of this newfound knowledge and practice it in the region and beyond. CPM facilitates networking among top marketers in the area by offering AMF membership. Hence CPM is the way forward for qualified marketers and marketing practitioners.

“Marketers with the required qualifications can enrol with SLIM to study CPM. We have hired the cream of Marketing professionals from the fraternity to bestow knowledge on students. The lecture panel will share their experiences and knowledge with  students on evolving marketing trends in the region and beyond. Hence students gain a better idea of how the Asian economy is driven”, said SLIM CEO/Executive Director Mr. Sanath Senanayake.

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