On 27th July 2023, the students of the esteemed University of Colombo gathered at the magnificent St. Mary’s Church in Colombo 4 to celebrate the much-anticipated Feast of St. Anne. The event was a testament to the deep reverence and devotion the students held for St. Anne, seeking her intercession in blessing and guiding all [...]


University of Colombo Students Celebrate Feast of St. Anne at St. Mary’s Church, Colombo 4


On 27th July 2023, the students of the esteemed University of Colombo gathered at the magnificent St. Mary’s Church in Colombo 4 to celebrate the much-anticipated Feast of St. Anne. The event was a testament to the deep reverence and devotion the students held for St. Anne, seeking her intercession in blessing and guiding all the mothers around the globe.

With hearts full of gratitude and hope, the students offered prayers for St. Anne’s blessings upon mothers, acknowledging their essential role in nurturing love and fostering Christian faith within families and society. The church echoed with the collective voices of the students, as they earnestly prayed for the well-being of mothers everywhere and for the strength to overcome the challenges they face.

The atmosphere was one of unity and togetherness as students from various backgrounds came together to commemorate this auspicious occasion. The spirit of love and compassion filled the air, reflecting the universality of St. Anne’s influence on the lives of countless individuals.

The celebration would not have been possible without the invaluable contributions from numerous individuals and organisations. Their selfless efforts and support added a touch of grandeur to the festivities, creating an unforgettable experience for everyone involved.

Among those deserving special mention is the National University Chaplain, Fr. Ruwan Perera, OMI. His unwavering dedication and guidance played a pivotal role in orchestrating the event, ensuring that it was a true celebration of faith, love, and community.

As the day came to a close, the hearts of all those present were filled with gratitude for the blessings received, the love shared, and the unity experienced. The Feast of St. Anne served as a powerful reminder of the importance of mothers in shaping a compassionate and harmonious society.

The University of Colombo students, together with the support of numerous individuals, left St. Mary’s Church with a renewed sense of purpose, ready to continue their journey of spreading love, compassion, and Christian values in their families, communities, and beyond.

In conclusion, the Feast of St. Anne was a resounding success, thanks to the heartfelt prayers, warm wishes, and generous contributions of all those involved. The spirit of St. Anne’s intercession will undoubtedly continue to guide and bless all the mothers in the world, creating a positive impact on families and society as a whole. May her blessings be felt far and wide, bringing joy, love, and faith to every corner of the world.

God bless you

Fr. Ruwan Perera,

OMI National University Chaplain,

University of Peradeniya.

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