‘The Story of Ai Haibara Black Iron Mystery Train’ The latest instalment of Japanese animation Detective Conan franchise-  “The Story of Ai Haibara Black Iron Mystery Train” is now being screened in cinemas around Colombo and Kandy. Directed by Shunsuke Ishihara to the screenplay of Junichi Miyashita the film was released commemorating the release of [...]


Japanese Anim movie, latest Detective Conan tale is here


‘The Story of Ai Haibara Black Iron Mystery Train’

The latest instalment of Japanese animation Detective Conan franchise-  “The Story of Ai Haibara Black Iron Mystery Train” is now being screened in cinemas around Colombo and Kandy.

Directed by Shunsuke Ishihara to the screenplay of Junichi Miyashita the film was released commemorating the release of Black Iron Submarine on April 14,  this year.

This time’s location is set in the sea near the Hachijo-jima island, Tokyo. Engineers from around the world have gathered for the full-scale operation of “Pacific Buoy,” an offshore facility to connect security cameras owned by the worldwide police forces. A test of a certain “new technology” based on a face recognition system is underway there. Meanwhile, Conan and the Detective Boys visit Hachijo-jima at Sonoko’s invitation and receive a phone call from Subaru Okiya (a graduate student in the Graduate School of Engineering at Tokyo Metropolitan University, who is an FBI agent Shuichi Akai and a black-robed organisation’s Rye) informing them that a Europol employee was murdered in Germany by the Black Organisation’s Jin. Conan, who is disquieted, sneaks into the facility and finds that a female engineer has been kidnapped by the Black Organisation…! Furthermore, a USB drive containing certain information in her possession ends up in the hands of the organisation… A black shadow also creeps up on Ai Haibara.

Imported by Liberty Cinemas Ltd, the movie is now being shown at CCC – Colombo City Centre, PVR Cinema and KCC – (Kandy City Centre).

Compiled by Susitha Fernando


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