Story and pix by Nilan Maligaspe It is no secret that Sri Lanka’s roads are notorious for accidents. Police statistics recently revealed that 976 people lost their lives in an estimated 930 fatal accidents from January to June this year. More deaths are added to this grim toll on a daily basis. There are some [...]


Jaywalkers put lives at risk


Story and pix by Nilan Maligaspe

It is no secret that Sri Lanka’s roads are notorious for accidents. Police statistics recently revealed that 976 people lost their lives in an estimated 930 fatal accidents from January to June this year. More deaths are added to this grim toll on a daily basis.

There are some measures to minimise such accidents. This includes overhead bridges designed for the safety of both pedestrians and drivers. There are several such prominent overhead bridges in different parts of Colombo.

Unfortunately, there are still far too many pedestrians who can’t be bothered to even take this basic safety precaution. Instead of making the small effort needed to cross the overhead bridge in safety, they prefer to dash across the road despite oncoming traffic, placing both their lives and those of others at risk. Our photographer captured these images of careless pedestrians from the Maradana overhead bridge.

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