Experienced senior instructing attorneys-at-law who have demonstrated eminence and high standards in the legal profession are to be conferred with special honour by the President appreciating their service, according to a new bill. The new bill, published by the Ministry of Justice, says, “The President may after obtaining observations from the Chief Justice and the [...]


President to confer high honour on senior eminent instructing attorneys


Experienced senior instructing attorneys-at-law who have demonstrated eminence and high standards in the legal profession are to be conferred with special honour by the President appreciating their service, according to a new bill.

The new bill, published by the Ministry of Justice, says, “The President may after obtaining observations from the Chief Justice and the Minister assigned the subject of Justice, confer the honour of Senior Instructing Attorney-at-Law on any Attorney-at-Law of the Supreme Court of the Democratic Socialist Republic of Sri Lanka.”

To be considered for such honour, a Senior Instructing Attorney should be in active practice for a period not less than thirty-five years. At present, President’s Counsel is the highest honour conferred upon senior lawyers recognising their eminence and contribution to the legal profession by the President after replacing the colonial British era title ‘Queens or King’s Counsel’ for such senior lawyers.

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