A throng of more than 300,000 faithful congregated around Thalawila’s St. Anne’s Church, eagerly anticipating the forthcoming festive mass scheduled for Sunday. In a bid to ensure safety and order, stringent security protocols have been enacted by the tri-forces and the police. The deployment includes around 1,000 police officers, 50 officers from the Special Task [...]


Security in place as crowds gather for St. Anne’s Church feast in Thalawila


A throng of more than 300,000 faithful congregated around Thalawila’s St. Anne’s Church, eagerly anticipating the forthcoming festive mass scheduled for Sunday.

In a bid to ensure safety and order, stringent security protocols have been enacted by the tri-forces and the police. The deployment includes around 1,000 police officers, 50 officers from the Special Task Force (STF), and approximately 500 personnel from the Army, Navy, and Air Force.


Safety measure were further enhanced with devotees obliged to undergo security checks. Complementing these efforts, mobile patrol units have been mobilized, contributing to an additional layer of security.

The historical significance of the St. Anne Shrine in Thalawila dates back to the 17th Century, rendering it a revered pilgrimage destination for Roman Catholics.

It is estimated that half a million devotees will assemble for today’s festive mass.

Reporting and photography
by Padma Kumari Kankanamge
and Hiran Priyankara


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