Introduction  -  The success of an interview depends on how candidates answer the questions posed by the panel. In this brief article, my endeavour is to share my extensive experience on the interview process. Tough Interview Questions and Answers 1. What is your salary expectations? Always be prepared in advance to tackle this question. Provide [...]




Introduction  -  The success of an interview depends on how candidates answer the questions posed by the panel. In this brief article, my endeavour is to share my extensive experience on the interview process.

Tough Interview Questions and Answers

1. What is your salary expectations?

Always be prepared in advance to tackle this question. Provide a specific amount and be ready to justify your expectation. Do not state that you are ready to accept whatever is offered.

2. How early can you report to work?

Never indicate to the panel that you are desperate for the job, even if this is the reality. Show the panel that you are responsible and need to provide adequate notice to your present employer.

Even if you are unemployed, never state that you can join immediately. Demonstrate that you are utilizing your time productively and will need to assign whatever you are engaged in to someone else.

3. Are you willing to negotiate your remuneration package?

Do not directly answer this question. Merely state that you have requested a package which is commensurate with your qualifications and experience.

4. Why should we recruit you over other candidates?

Basically, what they are asking you is to specify your Unique Selling Proposition (USP), to use marketing jargon.

To this question, clearly outline what you will “bring-to-the-table” in terms of knowledge, expertize and networks. Demonstrate that you are the “best” fit for the job. Your convincing ability will also matter, in addition to the specific personal attributes.

5. Have you informed your referees that you have applied?

The answer should always be in the affirmative, because you need to keep your referees informed and also obtain their consent to use their names. (In advance of the interview)

6. Can you describe yourself in one sentence?

This is something that you must come prepared to answer. The logic in asking this question is to assess how much you understand yourself. (Strengths and Weaknesses)

7. What are the highlights of your working career?

This is to evaluate if you are a star performer or an average one. You must clearly outline your significant career achievements by each job that you have been in.

Focus on the “real” performances, in terms of leadership, teamwork, customer service, sales, operations etc. This question also needs prior preparation, to be answered effectively.

8. Why do you want to leave your current job? (You seem to be doing fine!)

This is a CATCH -22 question. You need to have a clear rationale as to why you are looking to change jobs. Is it career advancement, better prospects, job enrichment or simply a change due to fatigue. (Repetitive nature of the work). It could also be the reputation of the prospective organization; in which case you should state this clearly with justification.

9. Does your current employer know that you are attending this interview?

Answer this question honestly since any answer is acceptable. Do not intentionally try to “cover up”. There is absolutely nothing wrong in attending a job interview, if you so desire.

10.What do you know about our organization?

This is your chance to impress the panel, that you have done your homework. Come well prepared by studying about the organization, the products and services, the industry etc. The more familiar you are about your prospective employer organization, the more points you will score at the interview.

11.Can you provide an example from you working career, which illustrates your leadership skills?

When this type of question is posed, do not answer instantly. You need to gather your thoughts, recall an example and then explain it. By pausing a moment you will demonstrate to the interview panel, that you are providing a genuine answer.

12.“You seem to have changed jobs rather frequently. Can you please explain?”

This question is posed because the panel is concerned that you will do the same, if recruited. You need to clearly explain the reasons why you have changed jobs. Is it for career development, better prospects etc. Whatever the reasons, be forthright and honest in your answer.


In this brief article, I have shared 12 tough interview questions that candidates encounter. Do not turn up for an interview, unprepared and disorganised. This is a recipe for failure.


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