Grant some relief for senior citizens As a result of reducing the policy rates by the Central Bank (CBSL) recently, all state and private banks have currently introduced drastically reduced interest rates on all fixed deposits (FDs). The near 50% drop –  down to 10.5% -12% per annum now from the previous 20% -22% per annum [...]


Letters to the Editor

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Grant some relief for senior citizens

As a result of reducing the policy rates by the Central Bank (CBSL) recently, all state

and private banks have currently introduced drastically reduced interest rates on all fixed deposits (FDs). The near 50% drop –  down to 10.5% -12% per annum now from the previous 20% -22% per annum and the continuation of advanced income tax (AIT) levy of 5% on all FD interest income –  is no doubt a bolt from the blue, especially for senior citizens who are solely dependent on the monthly interest income derived from FDs for their survival and sustenance under the present trying conditions, to say the least.

Moreover, making matters worse is the fact that during the FD interest rates hike in the early part of 2023, the CBSL quite unobtrusively withdrew the senior citizens(over 60 years) special interest scheme on FDs i.e., 15% yearly or 14.06% monthly with no withholding tax (WHT) on interest as well. Obviously, a well-timed knockout punch for the retirees!

As a result of this decision, we the hapless senior citizens are left in the lurch with no option of reverting back to the rightful and thoughtful senior citizens’ scheme which was introduced in 2015 by the Yahapalana regime.

A clear case in point in this regard is that when all other FD rates dropped to a single digit during 2022, the senior citizens managed to defray the high cost on food and medicine, due to the permanent double-digit interest rate(15%) paid for the special senior citizens’ FDs. Of course, there was a cap of Rs.1.5 million per person as the maximum allowed deposit under this scheme.

It is undoubtedly the bounden duty of any govt. to look into the well-being and welfare of its citizens in general and senior citizens in particular, who have dutifully done their bit during their tenure in employment. They are entitled to look forward to a peaceful and passable final lap, to say the least.

It is the fervent wish of all affected senior citizens, that President Wickremesinghe who as the PM in 2015 initiated this far-seeing and far-reaching concession on FDs for one of the most deserving segments of the population, would bring about the expected relief sooner than later, once again to ensure that senior citizens are not pushed from the frying pan into the fire!

 M.R. Pathirage   Kolonnawa

A time-tested panacea for drought: Mindful recitation of Ratana Sutta 

The Buddhist monks and laymen who are possessed of full confidence in the Noble Triple Gem, and observing the five or ten precepts, should engage in the mindful recitation of the momentous Ratana sutta to stave off the terrible drought ravaging parts of the country, as it was recited during the COVID-19 pandemic.

This sutta was preached by the all-Enlightened Buddha, at a time when the beautiful town of Vesali was struck by severe drought for a long time, resulting in death, diseases and demonic influences.

The Licchavi Princes approached the Samma Sam Buddha after all other poojas and offerings had failed to solve the problem and received King Bimbisara’s blessings to invite the Buddha to visit the beleaguered town.

As soon as the Buddha set foot a great shower poured forth and cleansed the town of putrid bodies scattered everywhere.

Thereafter the Buddha came to the town and instructed Venerable Ananda to recite the Ratana sutta and scatter the ‘pirith water’ right around the walls of the town.

With this act, the drought ceased.

Referring to the sutta in brief, as it is well-known among Buddhists, the first stanza is an invitation to all the beings in the ten thousand world system to listen attentively to the Buddha’s words, followed by a compassionate call by the Buddha for the earthly spirits/devas to protect and extend loving kindness to all humans who provide them with merit.

The next fourteen stanzas are an asseveration of the Truth by the Buddha himself, while the last three stanzas are uttered by Sakka, the King of the Devas in reverence of the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha.

Therefore at this critical time, the government should give full patronage to the Maha Sangha for an island-wide recitation of the Ratana sutta.

 Chula Boange   Via email

Is this the worst case scenario?

Initially, the Tamils wanted a Federal State, and after the ’83 riots were compelled to step up their demand for a separate state called Eelam. Subsequently, they came down to accept Provincial Councils for the North and East, with special land and Police powers.

The Sinhalese have not wanted to consider any demands up to now. President Wickremesinghe was prepared to extend some concessions to the Tamils like Police powers without weapons, etc. but many Sinhalese were opposed to even an atom of anything.

Some Tamil leaders are more rational; they would like to settle for empowered PCs for North and East but they are opposed vehemently by other Tamil leaders and many Sinhala extremists. The bottom line could be the country falling from frying pan right into fire!

*India is eyeing us closely to form a state within a state in the NE of Sri Lanka, where they could build their own administrative and security zones: they already enjoy some.

*China is already having many facilities in the South which they would try to expand

* The US is trying to establish its naval base in Trinco and could expand further.

*The latest power player France is at the doorstep of Sri Lanka with other promises!

What could be the possible worst case scenario?

1. The North and East could be annexed by India but could be under direct rule of Delhi and Tamil Nadu would not have a say in it.

2. The rest of SL could have a very volatile situation with a vast number of Tamils living outside the NE and the Upcountry facing racial repercussions and ‘to avoid bloodshed”, India could take over the rest of Sri Lanka and declare it as part of Indian Union!

3. China would be allowed to confine themselves to Hambantota and Colombo Port City with US silently looking on!

4. All those Sinhala leaders who did not want to give up anything to Tamils go into exile, leaving the rest of their people subjugated as second class citizens of India!

5. The Muslims and other minorities could become third class citizens of Greater India!

6. Buddhism might no more be the state religion, statues removed or demolished and Indian RSS Hindu Agenda established! If the Indian Government could control over a billion of citizens under Hindutva, they could easily do it in tiny Sri Lanka!

7. Those who have wealth, power and influence would flee the country and settle down in the West!

8. Those remaining could be forced to shout Jai Sri Ram and Bharath Mataki Jey!

Why is public opinion never taken into account in this beautiful country?

Anver Kamiss   Via email

Remember that age-old lesson

With reference to that proposal of a bridge, I wish to share some thoughts.

One of the earliest references to Sri Lanka as an isle is in the Mahavamsa. It says “On the full moon day of Phussa (November-December),the Conqueror, the Buddha himself set forth for the isle of Lanka’.

That was 2565 years ago.

Since then the island has been known by many names such as: Tambapanni, Lanka pura, Lankadvipa, Sinhale, Swarnadvipa, Ratnadvipa, Serendip, Taproban and Dhammdvipa.

Mark Twain said, “Dear me, it is beautiful! And most sumptuously tropical.”

Prof. J.B. Disanayaka explains what island cultures are. “In general, very diverse  and colourful, because islands are open to all sides. Winds, both geographical and cultural, blow from all sides to produce in the island a culture that is a harmonious blend of diverse colours” (Sinhala Language and Culture – pg. 3 ).

The Sinhalese possess an island culture, he goes on to say.

The Sinhalese island culture shaped into a unique one over the years. It did not take long to do so. Mihindu hamuduruwo preached in the deepa bhasa. The script which he introduced in two, three centuries was fit enough to write theTripitaka.

The gift of Buddhism stands out as the main contribution the island received to date.

Are we to lose all these? For what?

The country will not forget the lesson Mininduhimi taught to the then ruler: “O great King, the land belongs to the people and all living beings. Thou art only the guardian.”

Dr.P.G. Punchihewa   Via email

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