Royal Institute International School continually and consistently celebrates the achievements of its learners; whether they be remarkable or ordinary, RI always encourages learners to applaud and rejoice over all forms of triumphs. The RI Prize Giving is not a mere award ceremony but one of the most anticipated events in the school calendar as the entire RI [...]


Celebrating Excellence: Highlights from the RI Prize Giving Ceremony 2023


Royal Institute International School continually and consistently celebrates the achievements of its learners; whether they be remarkable or ordinary, RI always encourages learners to applaud and rejoice over all forms of triumphs. The RI Prize Giving is not a mere award ceremony but one of the most anticipated events in the school calendar as the entire RI family comes together to rejoice with those who have tirelessly laboured to achieve great feats.

The annual prize giving of Royal Institute International School was held on the 9th of August 2023 at the state-of-the-art RIC auditorium. The ceremony was conducted in two sessions: The primary award winners were awarded in the morning session while the secondary school award winners were allocated the afternoon session.

The event began with the welcoming of the honourable Chief Guest, Associate Professor Yugeesh Lankadeva, who is a National Heart Foundation Future-Leader Fellow leading the Translational Cardiovascular and Renal Research Group at The Florey and also one of the most outstanding alumni of Royal Institute; our dear Chairman, Mr. G.T. Bandara; Academic Director, Dr. Nirodha Bandara; principals and vice principals of all branches and other dignitaries. The honourable procession was welcomed by the very capable scouts and led to the auditorium by the Eastern Band of the school followed by the Teachers’ Parade.  The lighting of the traditional oil lamp by the distinguished guests led to the official commencement of the prestigious event.

Followed by the welcome speech, the Principal’s report was delivered by the Coordinating Principal, Mrs Shazeena Nilam, thereby setting the stage for the rest of the events of the day to unfold. The time dawned for the highly talented students of RI to captivate the hearts of the audience. Mesmerising and breath-taking dances stunned the crowd and the dazzling colours and graceful moves of our dear students filled the atmosphere of the auditorium.

Following the dignified and gracious dance performances, the stage was yet again dominated by the refined and charming choir of Royal Institute headed by Ms. Subhashini Talwatte, our treasured Music teacher. The choir presented a musical feat which was a fusion of different languages thereby showcasing different cultures and religions along with enthralling dance moves that truly displayed excellence and elegance on the stage leaving the audience with nothing but amazement.

After the overwhelming performances, the Chairman, Mr G.T Bandara extended his heartiest wishes to all the prize winners who reaped the fruit of their labour. The Chief Guest, Associate Professor Yugeesh Lankadeva, addressed the audience and conveyed his congratulations to all the winners who have made their alma mater proud. It is with great pride and joy that RI makes mention of its most treasured alumni, Associate Professor Yugeesh Lankadeva who is an inventor on 3 patents and has received over 20 prestigious career awards from the National Heart Foundation of Australia, Hypertension Australia, Australian and New Zealand Microcirculation Society, World Congress for Microcirculation, Harold Mitchell Foundation, CASS Foundation and Jack Brockhoff Foundation. In addition, he currently holds appointments as the Head of Systems Neuroscience Theme at the Florey, Co-chair of Florey’s Mentoring Committee, and Principal Honorary Research Fellow at the Department of Critical Care, Melbourne Medical School, University of Melbourne. He also has over 60 publications in high-impact medical journals. Empowered with great experience and knowledge, he ensured to encourage, motivate and inspire our students with words of wisdom so that they could also dream big and become extraordinary global citizens just like our most noteworthy alumni.

The most anticipated time of the ceremony was the distribution of prizes; prizes were allocated for academic and sports achievements. A few of our shining stars’ accomplishments are given below:

Top in Country

Cambridge Ordinary Level Examination 2022

Yesol Kim – Best across Cambridge OL (2nd in Sri Lanka)

Anudi Senara – Top in Sri Lanka OL Commerce (10th in World)

Disansa Sethumini – Top in Sri Lanka – OL Sinhala Language

Cambridge Advanced Level Examination 2022

Sagani Muralytharan – Best across Cambridge AL (3rd in Sri Lanka)

Sakith Athukoralage – Top in Sri Lanka – AL Business (3rd in World)

Outstanding Cambridge Learner Awards 2022

Cambridge Ordinary Level


Aneeqah Muhsin

Samula Perera

Kaveesha Dias

Yesol Kim

Cambridge Advanced Level


Inesh Palihapitiya

Sharika Thayaparan

Madhumina Suthagaran

Danuish Ravindran

Sakith Athukoralage

Sagani Muralytharan

Edexcel Advanced Subsidiary Level – 2022

Best Results 5 A’s

Dini Kathriarachchi

Cambridge Advanced Level Examination 2021

Best Results

5 A*s and 1 A

Yuthin Weerathunga

Cambridge Ordinary Level Examination 2021

8 A*s

Aranega Ananthakumaran

Dini Kathriarachchi

Dunitha Sasmith

Best Results

7 A*s and 2 A’s

Govindu Sathruwan

Sasirindu Bandara

GCE Advanced Level Examination – 2021

Best Results

Shashini Dissanayake – 3 A’s (Island rank – 12, District rank – 7)

Nilanya De Silva

Ashintha Prabodha

GCE Ordinary Level Examination – 2021

Best Results – 9A’s

Methul Jayasingha

Siluni Muhandiram

Randinu Pathirana

Navida Naaditha

Pamuda Bandara

Ramika Nanayakkara

Rayan Kularatne

Sports Awards

Karate – Saveen Weerasinghe

Swimming -  Rahoodi Chaninsha

Chess – Thanzeel Thariq

Table Tennis – Jameela Oshen

Athletics -  Sanuli Nethara

Badminton – Joshua Jayathunga

Cricket – Sadew Gamage

Football- Aathif Asmi

Netball – Binudi Vihansa

Best Sportsman of the Year 2022/2023

Saveen Weerasinghe

Best Sports Woman of the Year 2022/2023

Rahoodi Chaninsha

As dignitaries came on stage to award the prize winners, the students were seen beaming with pride and joy as they stood awaiting their moment to climb on to that honourable platform and collect their award from one of the highly esteemed individuals present on the stage. The sound of applause filled the air of the auditorium as the students and parents cheered for each and every winner for their well-deserved victories.

A special segment of the distribution of awards was the awarding of prizes for Outstanding OL, AS and AL results in the Cambridge and National curricula. While the students received their awards with pride, their teachers and parents undoubtedly shed tears of joy. The excellence showcased through such awards reinforces the legacy RI is consistently maintaining in offering unmatchable educational standards to learners across the island. The flashing of the cameras as each and every winner posed for their photographs reminded us of the brightness that awaits the young hearts and minds of RI. Parents, teachers and students exchanged their heartiest wishes and everyone was seen congratulating each other with humility and joy. It was a sight to see for the parents and the teachers as their children were conquering new heights.

Drawing the curtains of the ceremony, the Felicitation of Staff was a highly treasured episode, in which the teachers were appreciated and honoured for their faithfulness and resolute dedication that contributes to the success and excellence everyone can experience at RI. The proceedings of the ceremony were brought to a close, however the aura of the experience will linger in our minds until we gather together to celebrate yet again.

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